Book five - chapter three

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"Eliza and Anna convinced Emma to come and reconcile with us." Lucius stated in the living room of the Malfoy residence.

"Well then what made her change her mind?" Draco asked.

"Maybe seeing Ronald in wolf form just made Emma afraid." Narcissa said.

"I didn't even get a chance to speak with her." I whispered.

"Emma is apart of our family, so she'll eventually come around." Lucius assured and put his arm over Narcissa's shoulders. I looked at Draco and Stella, who were sitting at the piano. Draco was teaching Stella a song called 'Mione's lullaby. He composed it himself after meeting me, and was now teaching Stella how to play it.

I smiled at how talented Stella was as I watched her small hands dance around the keys with so much ease.

Narcissa and Lucius had started a game of chess, Theo was reading a magazine, Pans had left the room for a few seconds to water a vase of flowers in the kitchen, Daph and Blaise were watching Stella play the piano, along with Ron. Draco sat next to Stella and I was leaning against the piano, and we were both watching our star play. I loved star as a nickname for Stella.

I saw Pansy enter the room again, carrying a fresh and watered bouquet of flowers in a glass vase firmly in her hands. But then Pansy stopped walking and dropped the vase. She had entered a vision. Stella stopped playing, and we all turned to look at Pansy. Theo was at his mate's side in a millisecond.

"What did you see Pansy?" Theo asked quietly.

"The volturi are all coming for us! I see Voldemort, Severus, Fenrir, the guard and... And Emma." Pansy listed.

"Star, come here quickly." I whispered, holding my hand out towards Stella. Stella grabbed my hand and snuggled into my side.

"What happened when you three were walking through the woods?" Draco asked.

"We were walking and then... Stel started catching snowflakes." Ron answered. Realisation seemed to dawn on Draco, and I furrowed my eyebrows. I did that alot whenever I was confused.

"Emma saw Stella, and thought that she was immortal." Draco told.

We all filed into the study, and Stella came and sat on my lap. Lucius pulled out a book and flipped through the pages. It mainly had pictures in and small footnotes about immortal children.

"Immortal children were just like fully grown vampires. They were absolutely gorgeous, and enchanting. But, like us, they couldn't grow up once they were transformed, so they were stuck as children. And that is why it was almost impossible to teach them about control around blood. If an immortal child had one small little tantrum, they could kill a whole kingdom easily, and that was only a small tantrum. Dangerous rumours spread. To stop the rumours from going international, the Volturi had to put a stop to immortality in children. The children were killing people in public, so they had to be destroyed. The creators of all immortal children grew too attached, and refused to watch the children die. But obviously meant death for themselves, for creating such an immature immortal, in their words. It started with the vampires from Denali." Lucius explained.

"Wait, seriously? The Denali vampires made an immortal child?" I questioned.

"Yeah, they did. And because of that, the mother got a punishment. Death." Lucius answered. Luckily for us, Stella had fallen asleep on my lap so she couldn't hear us talking about death. I absentmindedly played with Stella's hair.

"But Stella isn't even a full vampire! She wasn't bitten, I freakin' gave birth to her! She grows, sleeps and eats!" I yelled. I then shut up, realising that Stella was still asleep.

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