Book four - chapter two

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I stayed in my wedding dress as Draco and I went around chatting to guests. Colin marched over to us and welcomed us. Arthur came over a few moments after.

"Congratulations both of you. I hope that you'll be very happy together." Arthur grinned.

"Thanks Arthur. So... Has he tried to contact you at all?" I asked. I was talking about Ron, he hadn't shown up at the ceremony, and Arthur hadn't seen him... Arthur slowly shook his head.

"Well I'm gonna go fetch a drink." Richard said. I now realised that Richard had been standing to Arthur's left. Richard turned to Teresa Brown. Teresa was John's wife before he had a heart attack over a year ago. "Um.. Can I possibly offer to get you a drink?" Arthur looked jealous, and turned around to see Teresa smiling warmly at Richard. So Arthur interrupted.

"I'll take a sparkling champagne thanks." Arthur cut in.

"Hermione!" A woman greeted, going in to hug me.

"Um.. These are Frank and Alice Denali right?" I asked Draco, gesturing to the woman and man as he slid an arm around my waist.

"Yes, and these are our cousins. This is Anna and Eliza. They are from Alaska." Draco introduced us.

"We've heard so much about you Hermione." Eliza said, smiling at me.

"Welcome to the family!" Frank, Anna and Eliza's adoptive father, exclaimed while smiling. Alice turned around to another girl with blond hair like Anna's and Eliza's.

"Emma? Why don't you come meet Hermione?" Alice suggested.

"This is harder than I thought... I-I can't.." Emma whispered.

"But you promised that you'd stay until the end of the night." Anna reminded.

"But they invited a wolf here!" Emma hissed, gesturing to Colin, who was with Arthur, Teresa and Richard. Colin and Arthur were watching the Denali's intently.

"Colin is our friend Emma." Draco stated quietly.

"But he was apart of the pack who killed Steven!" Emma protested.

"Only because Steven tried to kill Hermione first." Draco reminded Emma. Emma stepped closer to Draco and I.

"I don't believe that Steven would have ever tried to hurt your new wife, not even for a second." Emma hissed. "Steven wanted to have a normal and peaceful life! With me!"

"Well I'm sorry for your loss." Draco muttered. Emma span around and walked off.

"Emma!" Alice tried to call her back, but unsuccessfully.

"Um.. We better go check on her. Congratulations again Hermione, Draco." Frank congratulated, and their family left.

"Well family drama is what makes a wedding more fun." Draco joked, smirking. And then a voice boomed from the stage where people were supposed to make their speech. Everyone took their seats around different tables, and it was Blaise who did the opening speech.

"Hello? Is this on? Okay, good! I'd like to propose a toast for my new addition to the family! So Hermione, I hope you've been well-rested these past years, as you won't be getting any more sleep for a while!" Blaise joked. Only the wolves, vampires and Hermione knew about the jokes hidden meaning. Vampires don't sleep. And then the next speech was made by Ginny.

"Well Hermione was one of the most girls in our school who was completely mesmerized by Draco. And somehow, Hermione was the lucky one to win Draco's heart. Even though she's not the sports captain or captain of the volleyball and field hockey teams." Jessica finished, everyone could tell that she was jealous. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." No she wasn't. And then it was Richard's turn.

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