Umm Hi

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(Dick Grayson x IRL!Reader)

Requested: no

Summary: Dick has somehow appeared in our world and he meets his biggest fan

Warning/s: none

Authors note: I realize this is bad, I'm sick and rushed this. Sorry but I still hope you enjoy it!


Everyone knew you were obsessed with all stuff Batman. You especially loved the first Robin, Dick Grayson. You watched Teen Titans because he was the Robin in it and your favourite show that had Robin was Young Justice. You just loved seeing your favourite character and your fictional crush (boyfriend) growing up and becoming Nightwing.

As always you were re-watching Young Justice. You were doing so cause you heard they were finally doing season 3 of YJ. Fucking finally! It was about time.

You already got to season 2 but were interrupted by something taping on your window. You thought nothing of it, thinking it was probably a squirrel or a branch.

You just continued watching the show but the tapping didn't stop so you finally went to check it out. As you got closer to the window the tapping sound sounded more like fingers against it and no branch or a squirrel could make a sound like that. You went slower and slower from the fear of a burglar or a murderer on your window.

What you saw was unbelievable. It was Nightwing or a person dressed as Nightwing, yes that makes much more sense but Comic Con isn't for another three months. You should know, you're going to it.

You and the stranger stared at each other for a long period of time or like ten seconds before you finally said something, "Umm hi."

The person, well the guy, just continued starring without any facial expression what so ever. It wasn't after you moved a little did he crashed into your apartment and landed gracefully on his feet.

"Hi." He said softly but seriously. "Where am I?"

"Well Dick you're in-" You were cut off as you made the mistake of calling him Dick. "How do you know my name?" He spoke getting closer to you, you backing away and hitting the wall behind you.

"W-well I-I-I..." You struggled with your words, not knowing what to say or do.

"I'll ask you again," he said with a more deep voice, close to Bruce's Batman voice, "How. Do. You. Know. My. Name?"

You sighed, hanging your head, "I know your name because I'm sort of obsessed with Batman but more specifically you." The look on Dick's face could only be described as surprised and cocky as hell. "Well miss...uhh"

"(y/n)." Was your response.

He grinned, "Miss (y/n), I am both shocked and delighted to hear that, especially if it's from an outstanding girl like you." You smiled sheepishly whilst biting your lip. "But I have only one question," you nodded your head for him to continue, "How exactly do you know about Batman and me?"

Ohh boy, this is going to be a long night. 

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