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(Dick Grayson x Reader)

Summary: Dick somehow convinced you to go to a circus gym with him

Requested: yes, by sweet Kavz 

Request: I feel bad cause I keep on asking requests but I love your writing :D so could I please request a dick x reader where they go to a circus gym for a one off couples session and reader isn't great but dick is just being fluff towards her (and him showing off at times) <3 <3 <3

Warning/s: none


Acrobats. Stunts. Everywhere you looked there they were.

"Looks fun, right (y/n)?" Dick grinned at you.

You didn't know how to respond to that. You weren't an acrobat like Dick and you definitely didn't know any gymnastic moves or such. Oh you were gonna embarrass yourself so freaking hard.

"Uhh, yeah definitely does."

"Is something wrong, (y/n)?"

"No, nothing's wrong."

Dick, even though he still seemed concerned about you, continued walking to the session he had scheduled. The first thing was stretching, you saw a guy lift his leg up so high that you swear he had no bones. There was a girl on her hands and her legs up in the air and spread in a split position.

"Fuck." You whispered to yourself as you knew that you weren't even close to these people, also because your legs started to hurt really bad from stretching. You glanced at Dick seeing Y'know you had no idea what the hell it was but it was definitely something.

"Okay everyone, let's start with the trapeze. Grab your partner and let's go."

I have no idea how to use this thing! Were your thoughts.Dick grabbed your hand and lead you to it. He was so amazing and graceful and majestic and you? You were a mess, you actually got stuck too. People were staring and you assumed they were judging too.

"Okay everyone nothing to see here, now shoo." Of course they all listened to the first son of Bruce Wayne, not wanting to upset him. "Are you okay (y/n)?" Dick asked you and helped you get up.

"Yes, I'm fine, just bruised my butt a little," you sighed, "Dick I'm not very good at this, I'm nowhere as good as you or anyone else in this room."

"Then why did you agree to come here with me?"

"Because I knew you'd like it here and I want to make you happy."

"Awwww baby!" Dick gushed over you and the other people's head turn to look at you two. You were pulled from their glances as you felt Dick's soft lips upon your own and kissing him back with a satisfied smile.

You pulled away from each other, both wearing smiles on your faces.

Dick was the first to break the silence. "How about we pick some take out and go home to cuddle with some movies?"

"I think that sounds amazing:"

You walked out with linked hands.

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