I Like You Too

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(Tim Drake x Reader)

Summary: Oblivious Tim doesn't seem to notice your flirting so you take the control of the situation

Requested: yes

Request: How about an imagine where reader likes Tim but he doesn't seem to notice and when she flirts with him he doesn't think much about it so she gets annoyed sand kisses him and he confesses that he loves her? Haha it's confusing but hope it made sense:DD

Warning/s: none


Tim Drake and (y/n) (l/n) have been friends for a long time and they have cared about each other since then. Being Tim's friend was great, it is great but you wanted something more, just weren't sure if the Red Robin will accept your wish or kill it.

You would always drop hints that you liked him or that you're available but dear old Timmy was just too oblivious and caught up in his work to notice the hints. That didn't stop you from trying though.

You even went as far as to ask his brothers for help, Damian wasn't interested and said, to quote the little demon, "Why would you even like an imbecile such as Drake?" So yeah Dami was out of the picture.

Jason also wasn't much of a help, "Just whack him on the head, tie him up in a basement and insist that he takes you out on a date." You imagined it in your head and grimaced at the thought, "Yeah, no Jay."

And after that the only one left was Dick who actually gave you some pretty decent advice, "Just be yourself (y/n), you're a beautiful and strong girl and I'm sure Tim will come to his sense and ask you out soon enough."

So that's what you did, you were yourself around Tim but it still didn't help, not even after a month of trying. You were starting to lose hope in him but were also a little shy to just come out and say it in his face that you've been in love with him for a year and a half already.

After Tim invited you to study at the Manor one day you were collecting all your courage to tell him how you feel, but not after trying to flirt, key word trying.

"Hey Tim I like your shirt. Is it new?"

"(y/n), I've had this shirt for at least three months now, you even saw me wear it when I took you to the amusement park last month."

"Oh right, yeah." You blushed big time. Three hours of studying and your attempted flirting and you were starting to get mad. You were starting to ask yourself if he's really that oblivious or just dumb.

"Hey, (y/n) how about we-"

"I can't take it anymore!" You screamed, grabbed his face and kissed him. Your eyes were closed so you couldn't see his reaction but were extremely surprised once you felt him kissing back. You put your arms around his neck, Tim sneaking his arms around your waist and laying you down on the bed.

You two made out for about two minutes until you heard voices saying, "I knew this would happen," and "Huh, who knew Replacement had it in him," and of course "Even though Drake has such a remarkable girl like (y/n), he is still an idiot."

You knew all to well who's voices those were, but didn't want them to ruin the moment. "I like you Tim." You said to your discovered crush. Tim smiled a big smile, "I like you too, (y/n)," he said which made you smile, "Now if you'll excuse me I need to kill a few of my brothers." 

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