New Addition

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(Batfam x Reader)

Summary: As Bruce Wayne's newest adopted child you're the new addition to the crazy family

Requested: yes, by a delightful anon

Request: Hiii since requests are open, I was wondering if you could do one where the reader is a new member of the batfam? Idk something like that? Thank you and have a nice day 😁

Warning/s: none


Bruce Wayne adopted many children so your adoption wasn't so surprising for the people of Gotham. Some were still shocked since they thought he'd be done with adopting. (y/n) (l/n) - Wayne was the newest Wayne child.

As Bruce drove you to your new home he tried making small talk with you but you were too mesmerized by his car and the 'rich' side of Gotham to really respond to any questions. He told you how he wanted to be the one to drive you and not his butler Alfred. Alfred seemed like a nice man from what he told you about him. To be honest you were a little frightened of your new life.

Bruce pulled up at the Wayne Manors driveway opening the door for you, "Welcome to your new home (y/n)." You gaped at the sight of the large house, you still couldn't believe that you get to live there.

"(y/n) before we go inside I have to warn you of your adopted brothers. Now they may seem wild but are actually very tamed, well two out of four are anyway."

You looked at Bruce with a questioning manner, you heard of the said boys everyone knows them and really how bad can they be? You walked to the door and right as you were about to open it an old man opened it from the inside. You guessed that was Alfred.

"Hello Miss (l/n) we've been expecting you, come in." He said gesturing for you to enter in to the manor. "I can help you with those," he said taking your suitcases and leading you upstairs, Bruce trailing behind you. You followed him closely not wanting to get lost.

"This is where you'll be sleeping Miss (l/n)," Alfred said setting down your things.

"I hope this will be okay with you," Bruce said making sure you liked the room. How couldn't you? It was a large room, it had a big bed, and you could decorate it anyway you wanted.

"I love it," you said, a big grin plastered on your face, thankful to them.

You three walked downstairs again and made your way to the living room. You heard someone shouting, "SHE WILL LIKE ME THE BEST BECAUSE I'M AWESOME AND YOU ALL SUCK PICKLES!" Were they talking about you?

You heard Alfred sigh before rubbing his forehead, "I'm so sorry about that Miss (l/n)." You finally saw who it was and it looked like it was your new brothers. Their heads turned to look at you three when Bruce cleared his thought and you heard whispers of 'she's here, she's here'. The four brothers smiled at you standing stiff like statues. You couldn't help but think it was funny and weird at the same time.

"Hi," you said smiling and waving awkwardly. It was quiet for a second then they started bombarding you with questions.

"Cut it out, you're going to scare her," Bruce said glaring at them causing them to become quiet. "(y/n) these are your brothers, Jason-" he pointed to the tallest, "-Dick-" he pointed the one with the pretty blue eyeballs. "-Tim-" he said pointing to the one who looked like a walking zombie, "-and Damian," he pointed to the last boy who looked kind of murderous.

"It's nice to meet you guys," you said softly looking at your feet becoming nervous. The first to approach you was Dick, he crouched down and extended his hand. You took it seeing how small your hand was in comparison to his. His smile was so bright you couldn't help but smile back.

Next to greet you was Jason and he said, "You'll like me best (y/n)," and gave you a wink. He must be the one who told the others to suck pickles. The thought of it made you giggle. Third one to say 'hi' was Tim, he mixed some words up which you found funny and after he was done Alfred escorted him upstairs.

The last one to greet you was Damian. He stopped in front of you his eyes looking you up and down, like he was judging you. It surprised you when he gave you a short hug saying, "Welcome to the family little sister."

You felt welcomed to the family and couldn't wait for the new adventures you're gonna experience.

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