Dirty Jokes Headcanon

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(Batboys + Bruce x Reader)

Requested: yes, by a fantastic anon

Request: Hi! If it's possible could you do headcannons of Bruce and the Batboys with a significant other who is super close and super open with their family. And literally can not stop making dirty jokes with their fam. Lord my family are so embarrassing but so loving and I wouldn't change that for anything.

Warning/s: smutty language



- He is really surprised to know how...creative your family can be

- Laughs hard at the jokes

- Some are funny

- Others are very sexual

- "What's the difference between your wife and your job? After five years your job will still suck"

- *hysterical laughter all around* *Bruce there like ???? "yeah totally"*

- He loves you no matter what


- He is a little cinnamon roll

- Even though he can get dirty his child-like personality can't handle all the dirt

- A lot of jokes because of his name

- "What is the difference between "ooooooh"and "aaaaaaah"? About three inches"

- "(y/n)!! NOOOO"

- *runs away with his ears covered*

- You can't help but laugh


- Let's be honest, he jokes with you

- "Did you get those yoga pants on sale? Because at my house they're 100% off"

- "What's one of the worst things about giving a man a blow job? The view"

- Trying to one up each other

- It's always a tie

- You're both equally dirty


- Tim just... I don't have any words to describe this boy

- He's surprisingly good at dirty jokes and all

- But you are still better

- You caught him looking them up on the Internet

- Whispering this like "What do you say we make this a Not-so-Silent Night?" in his ears

- That blush thooo!!!!


- No

- Just, no

- You might think that he'd be all like "tt. I don't care"

- But noHe actually gets really flustered at the jokes and runs to his room or the Batcave or takes Titus out for a walk to calm down

- His face gets beat red and he starts breathing heavily

- Once tried saying one back to you

- It didn't go well

- "Legs...fish...blondes..."

- "What?"

- *blushing* "Yes" *walks away*

- You know when you cross the line

- So you try to minimize the dirty jokes

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