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(Batmom x Batfam)

Summary: Batmom gets amnesia and the family is helping her get her memory back

Requested: yes, by an anon

Request: She gets amnesia and gets hurt but remembers when someone in the family does something they always do but isn't normal for civilians. Happy ending, yay!

Warning/s: none


You and your family were having a nice family dinner since you don't get enough of those. The boys were bickering back and forth, like usual while you and Bruce were having a conversation. Alfred was just getting done with the food and was getting ready to serve out the plates. He was interrupted by a bang at the front door.

He walked over to the door and suddenly it was flung open with a loud 'thud' throwing him against the wall. Men in masks, with guns and other deadly weapons, ran in shouting telling each other to check other rooms. The last one picked up Alfred holding him down at gunpoint. The first man made his way towards the dining room where you all were seated.

The loud ruckus made you and your family get up from the dining room chairs to see what all the commotion was about. You were stopped by a man holding a gun saying, "You're Bruce Wayne and we know you got money, lots of it in fact so you'll show us if your safe or I'll shoot your pretty little lady's brains out!" He grabbed you turning you around, wrapping his arm around your neck pointing the gun at your head.

You didn't put up a struggle knowing it wasn't worth it. Your family could easily take this guy out but they wouldn't want them to figure out they were the vigilantes running around, well these thugs were probably too stupid to figure out anyways.

Bruce calmly pointed toward the back room and said, "This way."

The man that was holding you signaled more of his men to come into the room and make sure your boys didn't escape. You watch four men run in and hit the boys with the butt of the gun making them fall to the floor. You felt anger building up but you knew your husband had a plan and he wouldn't want you to lash out yet.

The man pulled you along as he followed Bruce down the hall to where the supposed 'safe' was, you knew you could easily take him out, he was sloppy, he wasn't even holding you with a tight grip. You walked into the bedroom the thug looked around it, Bruce taking the opportunity to signal you with a nod.

You smirked slightly before you lift up your arm and read it back into his nose causing him to let you go and stumble back. Bruce launched forward grabbing him choking him until he passed out. You remembered the boys in the dining room and ran as fast as you could to help them.

As you ran in you saw the men that were holding Dick and Jason down and beating them up. Damian was yelling at the men telling them to let go of him and his brothers or else he'll kill them. They didn't listen to him and continued beating them. You, unable to watch this anymore, charged at them ready to beat them up like they did to your sons. You kick the one who held Dick down but got pushed into the one who held Jason down making him fall to the ground. Another one came in throwing you into the dining table causing the table to break and you to hit your head. The last thing you saw before you lacked out was Jason rushing over to help you.

You opened your eyes only to close them again from the bright white light and ringing in your ears. You slowly sat up and looked around seeing unfamiliar faces surrounding you.

"Master Bruce she's up," an older looking man said as he shook the other who was asleep in the chair next to you. His eyes fluttered open, his deep blue eyes looking at your (e/c) ones. Something about this man seemed familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it.

"Y/n, how are you?" He asked worriedly as the older one went to go get the Doctor.

"W-who are you?" You asked not knowing what was happening or going on. "And who am I?" you were scared.

"Mom...are you okay?" A young boy, about eighteen or so asked you. You were confused why was he calling you mom? You couldn't be his mother, could you?

"I-I'm sorry who are you?" you asked trying to push yourself farther away from these men who stood around you.

"She doesn't remember us." An even younger boy said sounding devastated. You looked around seeing all of their eyes on you, their faces looking familiar. The door opened and the old man came back in, a doctor trailing behind him.

He looked at his chart and said, "She has amnesia," before the room broke out in questions he said, "she could remember but you need to give her time and introduce her to stuff slowly." They all nodded slowly taking in what he just told them.

Months passed by and you still couldn't recall certain things. You were still forgetful and couldn't remember how or when you got amnesia but you were working on it. The people that were looking over your bed while you were in the hospital, were your family. You had learned that you were their adopted mother and you had been married to Bruce since before you adopted the oldest Dick Grayson. Things came to you but some you had to be taught again, and some memories you will never get back.

Today Bruce said he had something to show you. He took you to a grandfather clock, setting the time to 10:48. The clock opened to an elevator like thing and you went down. The elevator came to a stop and opened to an image of a cave. You started to remember some small pieces but after you saw a bat like a costume the images of your life together with Bruce hit you.

You remembered meeting Bruce, helping him become the Batman, marrying him, adopting all your kids and everything in between. "I remember.." you trailed off looking at Bruce in amazement. He looked at you with a smile to which you jumped into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. He twirled you around planting kisses all over your face, he couldn't be happier that you remembered.

"You really remember?" Bruce asked, as in to be sure.

You nodded with tears in your eyes, "I really do, my love." You then jumped up and down in excitement, "We got to tell the boys and Alfred."

You both went back upstairs rounding up the boys and telling them that you remembered everything. The day was spent having fun and telling them about your memories, laughing at them. You and your family couldn't be more ecstatic that you remembered them and that you were back.

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