Wait, What

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(Jason Todd x Reader)

Summary: All was going great in your relationship with Jason, until one day he decided to break up with you out of nowhere, yet you weren't going down without a fight for your stupid boyfriend

Requested: yes, by an enchanting anon

Request: Hey! Could I request an imagine in where Jason tries to break up with the reader because he's afraid they'll be in danger but he doesn't want to? And the reader is confused because they don't know that hes a vigilante. Thank youuuu

Warning/s: maybe some slight angst, cursing


"(y/n) I'm breaking up with you."

You dropped the plate you were washing back into the sink and sighed internally at the thought of having to wash it again. Leaving the plate in the sink and at the back of your mind you turned to Jason, eyes slightly glossy.

He flinched when he saw you, your eyes threaten to spill the tears that were building in there, the light red of your cheeks as you tried hard not to cry, your stiff posture as you tried to be strong and the way your hands were holding onto the counter for dear life, knuckles turning white. The feeling to comfort you was strong but Jason fought it, knowing he was doing this for your own good.

"What do you mean Jay?" He could hear the hurt in your voice, but he was determent. You weren't safe with him.

"I mean, w-we're over." His voice cracked, he couldn't do this, he didn't want to do this, but there was no other way. He watched you as you took a deep breath to study your breathing and closed your pretty (e/c) orbs to calm down. You opened your eyes and looked at his blue ones. What the fuck was he even talking about?


You could see animated question marks floating above his head, "No? What do you mean 'no'?"

"I mean no, no we aren't breaking up."

Jason moved closer to you ready to say something but he stopped himself in place. Why were you always so stubborn? Why couldn't you see this was all for you? Of course you couldn't see it since you had no knowledge of your boyfriend being Red Hood.

"Give me one good reason why we should break up." You crossed your arms over your chest.

Jason wanted to tell you, he really did, yet he couldn't bring himself to actually say the words. He was too damn in love with you and the mere thought of having to live his life without you was painful, on the other hand he knew it'd be too dangerous for you to know about his other life and it'd be too dangerous for you to stay with him.

He was stumped. He couldn't say he didn't love because he did, yet he didn't know how to express why the sudden change in your relationship. He sighed, this was going to be fucking hard.

"I-I don't love you anymore." Jason closed his eyes, not wanting to see your reaction to the fake news.

"Eee! Try again."

What? Were you being serious now?

"(y/n) I'm serious."

"Eee! Strike two."

You weren't going down without a fight, and dammit you loved this man too much to not put up a fight. Jason was basically the only person in your life that loved you and you weren't going to just let him go, not now, not when you're in love with this stubborn fool. You studied him and his behavior, coming to a simple conclusion, "You're not telling me something," you stated matter-of-factly. "What is it you're not telling me?"

Jason avoided your gaze as best as he could yet he couldn't keep staling, he had to tell you. He took a deep breath before saying, "Alright I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to freak out." He paused before continuing, "I am Red Hood."

He waited for your response but you were only standing there in silence, as if you were petrified. This continued going for about a minute when you finally said something. "Are you shitting me right now?"

"Uh no (y/n), I really am Red Hood, have been for years now."

You thought it through, "So all those times you came home with bruises and said you got beaten up were a lie?"

Jason laughed softly, "They actually weren't lies, I was in a fight but I was the one who beat up not the one who got beaten up, although I did take some hits from thugs and criminals."

You walked up to him and hugged him around his waist. "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

Jason pulled you closer into him, burying his nose in your hair and smelling the sweet scent of your shampoo, "I was trying to protect you. If any of my enemies knew how much I fucking loved you they wouldn't hesitate to torture you or even kill you just to see me suffer."

"You won't let them, I know you won't," you pressed a kiss to his jaw, "plus you could teach me some moves to defend myself."

He captured your lips in a sweet kiss that always left butterflies in your stomach and made you absolutely crazy.

"I could definitely do that."

"Good, but right now go ahead and wash that plate you made me drop in the dirty water." You patted him on the shoulder as you made your way out of the kitchen, hearing Jason grumble in response.

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