Break Up

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(Tim Drake x Batmom!Reader)

Summary: It's Tim's first break up and he needs support from his mom

Requested: yes

Request: if it's not a bother can you do an imagine where batmom helps Timmy with his first break up and it's protective and fluff? From tim's point of view?? Thank you!

Warning/s: heartbroken Timmy

Authors note: this is in Tim's POV (sorry if this is not what you meant)


How could she do this? I trusted her. I gave her my heart and she stomped it. Oh God I sound like Dick.

I stomped through the Manor and past the kitchen where I saw Alfred and (y/n) together. She's Bruce's wife and even thought I haven't been here for too long, she already treats me like a son of hers and even calls me her son.

She noticed my gloomy face and stopped me in my tracks. "Hey Timmy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I replied with a short answer and quickly, trying to get to my room before any more questions. And it worked. Before (y/n) had the chance to ask me a follow up questions I dashed to my room.

Not even five minutes after I got away from the kitchen I heard a knock coming from the other side of the door.

"Tim? Can you please open the door?" (y/n) asked, her voice muffled by the door. I debated whether I should open or not. After a few seconds of thinking I got up from my bed and opened the door.

She practically ran in with ice cream and movies. "What's this for?" I picked the movies to see that they were Sci-Fi. "Well, even though you didn't exactly told me what was going on I read between the lines."

"And what exactly did you read?" I asked now looking at the ice cream that said 'coffee flavour' on it. I grinned, I might not be here for long, in this family, but (y/n) knows me like I've been a Wayne my whole life.

"You got dumped." (y/n) said casually.

"Hey!" I yelled defensively, "I mean it's true but still, hey!"

"Sorry Timmy. Do you want to talk about it?" (y/n) asked, whilst taking a seat on my bed, the tub of ice cream in one hand and the remote control in the other. I huffed a sigh and sat next to her. I grabbed another spoon and started eating the ice cream.

"She cheated on me....."

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry," (y/n) said, "Come here." She hugged me and stroked my hair, it was actually very calming so I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. "If she couldn't see what an amazing boy you are then she didn't deserve you."

I looked up at her and smiled, ""

She hugged me even tighter and we soon continued watching the movie and eating ice cream.

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