Are You Okay

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(Dick Grayson x Batmom!Reader)

Summary: After ignoring Penguins constant flirting on a mission he hurts you but Nightwing is there to protect you

Requested: yes, by an incredible anon

Request: Can I request an imagine where batmom is out with nightwing on a mission and the bad guy they're fighting is targeting or flirting with her and she gets hurt so nightwing gets protective? Thank you so much 😍❤️

Warning/s: blood, I guess?

Authors note: In honor of my blog hitting a hundred followers I am finishing this today. ENJOY!


It wasn't your intention to go on a mission with Dick. You were retired from the vigilante life after you and Bruce adopted Dick. But it can't hurt for (v/n) to come for one more night, right?

"Are you sure you want to do this mom? I can go on my own." Dick told you already dressed in his Nightwing suit. "No way am I going to let you go on your own Dickie. I'll be fine."

"She won't just be fine, your mom will be magnificent out there." Bruce's deep voice echoed in the cave as he came behind you and hugged your waist, pulling your body close to his. "It's been a while since I last put on this suit." You said looking at your suit in the glass tube.

"You still look sexy in it." Bruce said as he spun you around and kissed you passionately on the lips. Groans of 'ew', 'gross' and 'get a room' were heard around the cave.

You looked back at your boys giving them a dirty look which shut them up pretty fast. Nothing compares to your glare, not even Bruce's Batman glare. "tt. Richard if Ummi comes back home harmed I will personally harm you." Damian said to his eldest brother.

"Oh come on little D, you wouldn't really do anything to me would you?" Dick asked flashing a smile to Damian, but after seeing the thirteen year old do nothing but give him a cold stare Dick's smile was quickly wiped of his face.

"Don't worry demon brat, ma can defend herself just fine." Jason chimed in the conversation.

"That does not mean that I still won't hurt Grayson if I see as much as a scratch on Ummi." Damian said his last sentence and climbed in the Batmobile waiting for Bruce to come. Bruce gave you one last kiss and whispered, "Be careful," to you and went to the Batmobile himself.

"Okay mom, how about we get this show on the road?" Dick said as you finished getting in your suit. "Yeah, let's go."

You two jumped from buildings trying to get to an abandoned one where Oracle told you Penguin is hiding. Apparently he has a plan to take over Gotham.

"Ahh Nightwing, I was expecting one bird to show," he said looking at you, "But I suppose a fine lady next to you is an equal surprise. Who might you be pretty woman?"

"I'm the one who's gonna kick your ass if you don't shut your mouth."

"Feisty. I like 'em like that." He smirked lightly.

You wasted no time in attacking the long nose man. You applied every move you knew from your training with Bruce. You glanced at Dick to see how he's handling the Penguin's associates and the next thing you knew one of Penguin's guns shot through your arm.

You cried out in pain, clenching your left arm and falling on your knees. Dick, seeing you hurt and open to Penguin, quickly fought off the associates and began fighting Penguin, knocking him out cold not long after.

He threw a smoke bomb and got you both on a rooftop for safety. "Mom! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Dick, just a little scratch."

"A little scratch?! That's not a little scratch! That's a hole in your arm and it's bleeding! We gotta get you to the cave." He speed off on his motorcycle to the Batcave, Oracle already contacting every Batfamily member.

Once at the cave there was a whole lot of yelling from Jason and even Tim at their eldest brother. Alfred was quietly patching you up while you were sitting on the operating table waiting for Bruce and Damian to come.

"Maybe I'm not cut out for vigilante life anymore, Alfred." You told the dear butler with a sigh as he finished his work. "Well mistress (y/n) you were absent for quite some time now, it is only natural." The butler said picking the fist aid kit and going back upstairs.

With another sigh you pushed yourself off of the operating table and heard the familiar engine of the Batmobile. Bruce stepped out slowly while on the other hand Damian jumped out like a maniac, screaming, "I am going to murder you Grayson!"

"Are you alright honey?"

"I'm fine Bruce, I would've been worse if Dick didn't step in and helped me."

You looked at your fist adopted son, seeing him getting jumped on by Damian. "Damian leave your brother alone." Bruce said to him, "But father because of this imbecile Ummi got hurt."

"Damian, stop trying to kill your brother." You said, Damian immediately stopping but not after glaring at Dick one last time.

"I am really, really, really sorry mom, I shouldn't have brought you alongside me. I-"

"Dick, it's alright," you told him, walking up to him and giving him a hug, him hugging back carefully as to not hurt your arm, "I am proud of you Richard. If it weren't for you I could've been gone right now. Thank you." You whispered to him, giving him a kiss on his forehead.

"Any time mom."

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