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(Damian Wayne x Reader)

Requested: no

Summary: Damian was kidnapped by Talia and the aftermath

Warning/s: none

Authors note: Damian is older in this


It's been a year since you've seen your boyfriend, Damian Wayne. You've been told that his mother, Talia al Ghul, has kidnapped him but nobody knew where her hideout was so no one could find Damian.

Bruce and Dick tried so hard to find him, even Jason and Tim helped but sadly with no luck. You came to the Wayne Manor everyday to help and see if there were any news, unfortunately there were none.

Today you came at 10 a.m. and stayed there 'till 10 p.m. trying to find any clues to find Damian. Bruce had suggested you spend the night since Gotham was never a friendly city during the night or during the day.

So naturally you went up to Damian's room, getting out one of his shirts from the closet and undressing into it. You laid down on his soft bed and tangled in his sheets and blankets falling asleep.

You woke up abruptly, sensing like something was wrong. You looked over to the clock and it was 2 a.m. Then, at a dark corner of the room, your eye caught a shadow moving. You quickly turned to it but all you could feel was a sword on your neck.

"Hmm, petty little peasant. I don't understand why mother would want me to kill you, you seem like no threat to us." A voice said, a voice you haven't heard for a year now.

You started to tear up and sniffle, not because you were scared but because your boyfriend was back. He was back. Damian was back but not like you remembered him. He would never call you a petty little peasant and he sure as hell wouldn't do anything that could harm you. His green eyes that showed love now were dark with no emotions. This was not your Damian, he only looked like him.

"Crying because I'm about to end your pathetic life?" He asked with a smirk. You laughed slightly, "You changed Dami, but not for the good."

He pressed his sword harder against your skin, almost cutting it, "How do you know my name?"

"How can I not know your name? We've known each other since we were 11," you said, "That's 3 years worth of friendship."

"But you seem to be the same age as me, if we've known each other since 11 that would be 6 years of friendship."

You smirked, "3 years of friendship and 3 years of more than just friendship." He looked puzzled, "What would be those 3 remaining years?"


He released his grip on the katana, "R-relationship? As a romantic or sexual involvement?"

You blushed a bit at that, "Well, yeah." Damian went to say something but he was cut off by a buzzing noise that came from his right ear. You could faintly hear a woman's voice through the ear piece you figured that Damian had.

"Do it Damian! Kill her! Now!"

You recognized the voice as Talia's voice. "Mother, why do you want me to kill this girl?" Damian asked through the ear piece, "It doesn't matter why just do it!" Taila shouted. "It's true, isn't it? What this girl said, the two of us have a romantic relationship, don't we mother?!" You could see Damian getting angry. You honestly didn't know why he was angry, it didn't seem like he remembered who you were.

"Yes, my beloved son. You are correct, you and this girl share a relationship filled with love. And that's why you have to kill her!"

Now both you and Damian were puzzled. "Why would the reason for me to kill this girl be our relationship?"

"Because, beloved, you're in love. And that love is making you weak! This is not who you're supposed to be, not what you're supposed to do! You need to concur the world with me and rule it!"

You rolled your eyes at that, "Taila I can't believe you're still trying to conquer the world and get Damian to rule it with you," Damian looked at you in surprise. He didn't expect you to talk or to know his mother's plans, "I don't know what you did to Damian and why he's acting this way but I'm sure he still cares for me. So whatever you do it's clear that he will never stop loving me. So I suggest you take that whole idea about concurring the world and shove it up your-"

At that moment Damian took the ear piece out and stepped on it so his mother wouldn't hear your little comment.

"Don't listen to her Dami, I'm not making you weaker, love doesn't weaken you, it makes you stronger."

"I apologize for trying to murder you," he walked closer to you and hugged you hesitantly, "I promise I won't do that ever again. I'll keep you safe."

"I know you will." You whispered and hugged back.

You figured Talia must've somehow brainwashed Damian but you knew he would recover. Knowing him he would stop at nothing to accomplish his goal.

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