Girls Night Out

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(Batgirls x Fem!Reader)

Summery: Barbara, Cass, Steph and you are having a girls shopping night but shopping with Steph is never easy

Requested: yes, by a wonderful anon

Request: can I request the batgirls x fem reader shopping or something to that effect?

Warning/s: none

Authors note: this is trash (like the writer) so sorry in advance


You weren't always a vigilante, you were a normal girl living in the most dangerous city on planet Earth and going on about your day. Yet after you met Cassandra and Stephanie in a coffee shop you worked at you never imagined it will change your life in so many ways.

That was your life before and now it's full of adventures, mischief and sometimes even heartbreaks and it has been like that for a year now.

Finally after a particularly dangerous mission Batman said you and the girls could have a day off which to you agreed to, of course after you had to convince Barbara to join you because that girl really wanted to stay and work more.

"So where should we go?" You asked, raising the cup to your mouth and having a sip of the tea Alfred made you.

"We could go to the mall?" Steph suggested.

"Or we can go to the Batcave?"

"No Barbs!" The three of you shut her idea down.

You turned to Steph and gave her a bright smile, "Shopping sounds fun. I haven't been to the mall in so long. So is everyone on board?"

You got an unanimous 'yes' and soon you pilled in the car you "borrowed" from Bruce and made way to the Gotham mall. You entered the mall seeing a lot of people walking in and out of stores, eating at the food courts, some even dragged their screaming children where the child was being bratty for not getting a toy or something. Yup the good ol' mall. You turned to your left to see Stephanie nowhere next to you as she was just a few seconds ago.

"Guys," you turned to the others, "We lost Stephanie."

"What? Already?" Barbara looked around in hopes of catching the blond hair you all knew too well. "Okay here's the plan; Cass you check the food courts on the first floor, (y/n) you check her favourite shops and I'll check the bathrooms. Three, two, one, go!" The three of you spread out in your own directions checking every inch you possibly could. Soon you returned to your original spots all three without Steph.

"I see neither of us found her." Cass spoke crossing her arms.

"She couldn't have gotten far." You chimed in.

"That is true, but we have been searching for at least fifteen minutes and we have concluded that she is not on the first floor. I say we spread out to second floor." Barb pushed her glasses on her nose.

"The second floor is the best of all three." Steph stood next to Cass with, what you could presume was a strawberry milkshake. "So what are we talking about?" She asked casually while all you could do was stare at her. "What?"

"What do you mean what?! Where were you?!"

"Getting a milkshake from Shake It." She pointed to a rainbow looking store that had milkshakes painted on the windows. "It's this new milkshake shop that is getting very popular and I just had to try it."

"We spent fifteen minutes looking for you and you were in the milkshake shop all this time?" A defeated sigh escaped your lips.


Cass took a few steps forward, "Instead of shopping and losing Stephanie over again how about we go back to the Manor, order pizza and watch a movie?"

Barbara, Steph and you whispered how that's a good idea, how it will be better than basically babysitting Steph and how you won't let any of the guys eat the pizza and that will be hilarious.

"Then it's settled. To the Batmobile!"

"Uh Steph we don't have the Batmobile with us."

"I know, I just always wanted to say that." The group burst out laughing and linked arms before walking to the car.

The girls night out didn't turn out as planned but it was worth it after seeing the guys arguing who gets the last slice of the pizza you generously let them have. It was even more worth it after seeing their faces when Alfred took it and ate the slice.

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