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(Tim Drake x Reader)

Summary: When Tim introduces you to his brothers their reaction was not what you were expecting

Requested: yes, by a beautiful anon

Request: So I've been stalking your blog for a good two hours 😂🙈 honestly your imagines are so good! So I was wondering if you could write one where reader is tim's gf and his brothers keep bugging him about having a beautiful gf so she removes his doubts and kisses him in front of them? Can you make his reaction surprised and blushing? Thank youuu

Warning/s: none


The first time you met the famous vigilantes was when you just wouldn't stop bugging your boyfriend Tim to meet them. Big mistake on your part.

You first met Alfred Pennyworth, the good butler Tim spoke highly of. He was the best man you have ever met and you two got along pretty well.

Next up was the Batman himself, Bruce Wayne. Bruce was, in a word, stiff when he met you. But he soon warmed up to you and the thought of you dating Timmy.

Next it was his brothers turn to get to meet you. You thought you would meet them one by one but were actually greeted with three guys standing in the middle of the living room, smiling kinda creepy at you.

You recognized the one on the far left as Dick Grayson, the first adopted son of Bruce Wayne, the police officer of Blüdhaven and a mayor hunk, as told by your friends. The dark haired, blue eyed sex icon was very well know around Gotham and Blüdhaven by many media. Also he has an amazing ass.

The one standing in the middle and the tallest of the four brothers was Jason Todd. You've never actually seen him before but know what he looks like from Tim's stories about him. He was a very handsome man with a white streak in his also dark hair and amazing blue eyes.

The one on the far right and the last brother of Tim was none other than the Gotham Prince himself. Damian Wayne. Now Tim told you that Damian is a complete copy of his father. Not only in his looks but also in his attitude. The little angry one had a nice combed hair and beautiful green eyes.

All four of them were wearing nice suits, probably ordered to wear them by Alfred.

"So, you're Tim's girlfriend?" Dick stepped out and asked you.

"I don't buy it. He probably paid her to pretend to be his girlfriend."

"I agree with Todd. There is no way that Drake has such a beautiful girl."

The three of them continued to discuss the probability of you to actually date Tim. "Are they always like this?" You asked Tim. "Pretty much." He sighed out. You knew he was feeling doubtful because of his brothers and their stupidity.

"Hey guys!" You yelled which caught their attention, "You say there's no way I'm Tim's girlfriend. Well you're wrong." You said and turned to Tim giving him a passionate kiss on the lips.

You two stayed like that for about ten seconds until you pulled away. You looked at Tim who was blushing furiously and surprised at your sudden action, much like his brothers who also had their mouth hanging open.

"The dinner is ready." Alfred said to the five of you.

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