I'll Always Protect You

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(Jason Todd x Sibling!Reader)

Summary: You do not want to mess with Red Hood's sister, unless you have a death wish

Requested: yes, by a glorious anon

Request: Can I request an imagine where reader is Jason's blood sister and she gets kidnaped and abused by one of red hood's enemies but when Jason finds out and finds her and see her blooded and hurt he goes off and then protective older brother Jason please <3 Can this also be in his pov? Thank you!!

Warning/s: gore, death


My vision was clouded with anger, one of the crime bosses I was working with had given me a note that said one of Black Masks men had taken my sister to one of his warehouses. My men were supposed to keep her safe, they were supposed to make sure she doesn't get in any trouble. Those fuckers, they couldn't do one simple job. My fist slammed against the wall, "Find them," I spit out viciously telling my men what to do.

They scrammed out of the room afraid I'll shoot them dead. I began to pace the room coming up with my own plan of attack because I knew my men wouldn't do a good job, no one takes my sister and gets away with it. I grabbed my gear making my way out of the warehouse. The only thing in my mind was getting her back, I can't lose her too, I already lost too much.

The first thing I needed to do is check out the spot where they had taken my sister. She was supposedly in a warehouse on the other side of Gotham. I ran from roof to roof making my way to the warehouse. In this situation I didn't know if I should follow my plan of sneaking in or bursting in and killing those bastards.

I decided to go with my plan so I quietly slipped in. It was dark except for a single light in the middle of the room. I heard voices talking about the kidnapping but I didn't see anyone. I dropped down and made my way to the voices, my gun raised high. I slowly crept forwards checking my surroundings in case there were other men stationed around to ambush me.

As I approached the center of the room there was a single chair but no one was there. I looked on the chair to see a phone, that's where the voices were coming from. I then heard Black Masks voice, "Got you Red Hood." That's when I heard beeping. 'It's a bomb' I think to myself as I then leap behind some crates to soften the effects of the blast. I could tell the bomb was getting closer to exploding as the beeping got faster. Soon the blast covered the whole wearhouse and I was thrown against the wall, the impact knocking the air out of me and making my head buzz. I fell forward to my knees trying to catch my breath.

"That son of a bitch," I said coughing, "I swear I'll kill them all." I stood up finally able to breath, I made my way out of the warehouse going to search every known place of Black Masks hideouts.

After days of searching I finally found them, I knew this was the one it had to be. I crept in silently not to draw attention to myself. The place was full of his men, but the only thing I heard was the sound of skin hitting skin and whimpers and groans of what seemed to be in pain. I made my way through the warehouse taking men out silently not to notify others that I was in there.

I took out the one last man and I was able to clearly see into the middle of the room. My sister was tied up, bloody, beaten and bruised. I felt anger building up inside the same one I felt when she was taken. One of the man punched her hard in her jaw as the other one grabbed her by her hair, pulling her head back and laughing in her face. I couldn't control myself any longer and I marched toward them, shooting every bullet I had in my guns. Even after they were dead on the ground I continued shooting not caring at all. The only thing that pulled me away from my anger actions was the sound of my sister's heavy breathing and crying.

I rushed over to her, "Oh god, (y/n).." I trailed off as I softly cupped her face so she would look at me. She was a mess, I carefully wiped away her tears. "Hey, it's okay," I said taking out my knife and cutting the ropes. She fell forward into my chest, her blood staining my clothes. I sat her back into the chair looking her over to see if she had any wounds that could be fatal.

"J-Jay," She whimpered softly pointing to a knife wound in her abdomen.

I looked at it, chocking a sob, "It's okay, this is fixable. We just need to get you to the hospital." I tried pulling her up but she only winced and fell back down.

"N-no Jay." I looked in her (e/c) eyes, mine welling with tears, "It's over for me."

"No, no (y/n) we can still help you, I can still help you." I was crying by now. This can't be the end.

"Listen, y-you were a good brother to me," she paused to catch her breath, "And I am grateful for everything you've done for me. For taking care of me and protecting me."

"If I've done a better job at it you wouldn't be leaving me now." Hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Shhh Jason. Remember I am always with you."

I could feel the life leaving her body and soon the color drained from her face and she became limp in my arms, "I'll always protect you."

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