One Final Text

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(Jason Todd x Reader)

Summary: The reader died in a car accident but Jason just can't reconcile with it

Requested: no

Warning/s: angst, swearing

Authors note: probably not as angsty as I thought it would turn out


Jason laid in his bed, tossing and turning. He just kept thinking about that night, that dreadful night which fucked up his whole life.

Police sirens could be heard, their cars rushing down the street next to (y/n) and Jason's apartment. Jason glanced through the window now seeing paramedics rushing after the police cars.

"God damn it (y/n) where are you?"

Just as Jason turned from the window his phone rang. He huffed picking up the phone. "What?" He grumpily answered the phone, there was talking on the other side and suddenly Jason's features softened, "You mean... Yes I understand. Thank you for telling me Dick, I'll be there as soon as I can."

He threw his phone on the couch, grabbing his jacket and helmet rushing out the door. He drove like a madman to where Dick told him the accident happened. After Jason got there he looked over the street. The store was busted, glass from the window all over the sidewalk, your car sticking out of it.

Jason dropped his helmet and ran to the scene.

"Whoa sir, no one is allowed to go near the scene." A policewoman stopped but before Jason could say anything Dick came from the store.

"It's okay Macie he's the victim's boyfriend."

Jason chocked on his tears as Macie took her hand from his chest. He slowly walked towards the store ducking under the police tape. There stood other policemen and medics, then he saw it, the stretcher which held your body covered in a white sheet your right arm dangling from under the sheet.

At that moment Jason couldn't held back his tears and started sobbing. He wanted to look away but he just couldn't. How could this happen to you? He just talked to you a couple of hours ago. Dick stood next to his younger brother, slinging an arm around his shoulder giving Jason a sided hug in comfort.

"Dick, h-how did this happen?" Jason managed to choke out the question.

Dick sighed, "The witnesses said they saw the car swerve to the left to avoid a dog on the street. Apparently (y/n) lost her grip on the sterling wheel and crashed. The impact killed her on the spot," Jason looked at Dick to see he was trying to hold his own tears back, "I'm so sorry Jason. I know how much you loved her, we all did." Jason couldn't say anything, he only nodded his head.

Jason felt something against his hand. He looked down to see your phone. The colourful case with little panda on it.

"This was the only thing we find that was intact."

Jason took the phone closing his eyes.

The next day was the funeral which Bruce gladly paid for. All of the Justice League and your friends and family attended. Your mother and father crying their eyes out over their missing daughter.

Alfred crying over the girl he came to love like a granddaughter.

Bruce crying over a girl who was like a daughter to him.

Dick crying over the girl who was basically his little sister.

Tim crying over the girl who was so generous to stay up with him all night and take care of him when he forgot.

Damian crying over a girl who was the only one who didn't judge him and where he came from.

And Jason crying over the girl he fell in love with and wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

After everyone said something about you they went to Wayne Manor, everyone but Jason, he stood in front of your grave, head down and crying. He lifted his head up to look at the sky, "It should have been me," he whispered and made his way back to the apartment.

Jason opened his eyes to look at his phone, seeing the clock on it say it was 3 am. He unlocked it and went to messages, seeing every single message he sent you since that night. It's been three months since it happened and he was no where near recovering. How could he? You were his everything and then in a flash he lost you.

Jason scrolled through the messages, reading them over and over again. He would talk about his day, how much he missed you, how much he loved you. He knew that you could never see them but that didn't stop him from doing it.

As he got to the most new messages, just sent yesterday, he read them to himself.

I will never stop missing you, (y/n)
I love you so much
Forever should have been me

And with that he closed his eyes.

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