Chapter 10

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{Song in video: Duke Dumont - Ocean Drive}

"You what?" Savannah exclaimed after I explained to her and the rest of my friends about getting frozen yogurt with Manuel, and him explaining to me about rehab and that he changed.

"I just wanted to hear what he had to say," I said, shrugging as we walked along the boardwalk at the beach as the sun was setting. "He seemed genuine about it."

"That's good," Nina said, smiling. "Even though he was stupid for being drunk and flirting with girls at parties, he's still hot." She raised an eyebrow.

"Nina," Sadie said in a firm tone, rolling her eyes. "She doesn't want to hear that."

"I want to be civil with everyone too. I don't want to go back to school feeling like I have to avoid anybody," I said.

"I get that," Savannah said, nodding her head. "I was just surprised you ate frozen yogurt with him, that's all."

Suddenly, Nina exclaimed, "Hey!" as she waved to a group of cute guys standing by the boardwalk that looked to be around our age.

"Nina from Tinder?" One of the guys exclaimed back as the rest of them turned around. He was tan and was slender yet muscular, and had short dark brown hair.

"Yeah!" She dashed over to them, and was doing her usual flirting.

I could tell that the guys didn't mind having her over there since they looked like they were flirting back.

Scenarios like this normally happened when the four of us would hang out anywhere outside of our houses. Nina always knew a guy she was either flirting with or dating that she sees out in public. If she didn't see a guy she knew, she would go out of her way to flirt with some guys we would pass by. Somehow, she would always end up getting their numbers.

"You know, I still wonder how she does that," Savannah said, sighing. "There's no way I can go up to a guy like that, let alone a group of attractive guys."

"That's just Nina," Sadie said nonchalantly as she was checking the time on her cell phone. "To be honest, it annoys me sometimes."

Deep down, I felt like that too, but I didn't want to complain, especially behind a friend's back.

We talked for a while, waiting for Nina to get back to us, but she was still flirting and laughing with the guys.

"Does anyone want to get some food?" Sadie asked. "I'm hungry."

"Let's wait until Nina gets back," Nina replied, glancing at Nina and the guys. "She's with a group of guys who are strangers."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine, but I'm not about to babysit her."

"You two can go get food while I wait for Nina," I told them. "She should come back at any moment."

"You sure?" Savannah asked, giving me a slightly concerned look.

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

"Stay close to Nina."

"I will."

I liked how Savannah tried to make sure everyone is feeling comfortable and safe whenever we hung out. She was like a mom, but a really nice laid-back one, like one of those mom's that baked cookies for their family and guests that came over.

While I was waiting for my friends to come back, I suddenly heard a male's voice exclaim, "Tinsley!"

I turned around, and saw that Manuel was standing about ten feet behind me. He waved at me, and I waved back.

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