Chapter 20

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{Character in picture: Ana Gasteyer as Mrs. Jane Dean}

{Song in video: Billie Eilish - My Boy}

I sighed as I got into Caleb's car. The last place I wanted to be was school, and the last two people I wanted to see would be there. At least I managed to still do my hair and makeup, except the mascara. I wasn't going to let that stop me.

"I got you something," Caleb said, smiling as he handed me a Starbucks drink and bag. "It's a ginger drink, which is supposedly healthy, and a blueberry muffin, which maybe isn't as healthy." He chuckled.

"Thanks," I said, taking the drink and bag. "I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast at home."

I felt nervous as I walked into the school with Caleb. I knew I was going to see Manuel and Nina at some point.

"I'm here for you," Caleb said, smiling.

He walked me to my locker. Savannah and Sadie were already waiting there.

Sadie had a mischievous smile on her face. "So...I did a thing," she snickered. "I texted Nate what happened."

My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped open. "You texted him the video?" I exclaimed.

She shook her head, laughing. "No, I told him what happened. I wouldn't do that for his sakes, that's too cruel."

I looked around for my math homework, but couldn't find it in my bag. "I think I forgot my homework in your car," I said, turning to Caleb as I zipped up my bag.

"Let's get it then," he said, nodding his head once.

As we walked out of the school building, I saw Manuel from a distance, getting out of his parked car. He had a few bruises on his face.

"He's here," I whispered to Caleb, trying to hide from Manuel as I went to the other side of Caleb.

"Play it cool, and don't even look at him," Caleb said to me. He put his arm around me in a protective and friendly way.

I did as Caleb told me, and just looked straight ahead with a blank facial expression.

We went to the car, and sure enough, my math homework was on the car floor. I wasn't sure how it got there, but I assumed it fell out of my bag. I grabbed the homework, and put it into my folder.

The bell rang, and I groaned. I would have felt a little better if I had Caleb in every class, but that wasn't the case. I did have him in a few classes at least.

Nina was in one of my classes in the morning, but I didn't see her. She was probably skipping class, not that I really cared.

By the time lunchtime came, I walked with Caleb to meet the rest of our friends in the cafeteria. I kept glancing around, hoping that neither Manuel or Nina would show up.

For the first time in ages, I got school food, which wasn't that great.

Caleb looked at my food, chuckling. "I can go out, and buy you some good food, if you want," he suggested.

I shook my head. "I don't want you spending money on me," I said. "It's only pizza, it can't be bad."

Suddenly, I saw Manuel and Nina, walk into the cafeteria. On second thought, I wasn't that hungry anyway.

"Play it cool," Caleb reminded me. "Don't give them the satisfaction that they hurt you."

I nodded my head, attempting to eat my pizza.

When Manuel and Nina passed closely by our table, Nate came out of nowhere. "You bastard!" Nate exclaimed as he punched Manuel in the face. He turned to Nina. "And you're a whore!"

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