Chapter 18

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{Song in video: The Chordettes - Lollipop}

For the next month, I kept wondering off and on when my mom would tell me whether she decided to let me keep in contact with my dad or not allow it. It made me feel a little on edge, but I didn't want to ask or pressure her, as I thought that would make things worse. For now, I wasn't going to mention anything. My dad and I still messaged each other occasionally. He told me he had recently went on a vacation trip with his girlfriend to Italy.

Right now, I was in Manuel's backyard on a sunny day, playing tennis with him since that was one of his hobbies. It was something he got into after he got back from rehab.

His parents were hardly ever home since they were usually working. He usually had the day to himself until his parents got back.

"I'm so terrible at this," I complained, laughing as I missed the tennis ball for the thousandth time. "I have really bad aim."

"At least you look cute," Manuel complimented, giving me a teasing smile.

I was wearing a white t-shirt, gray leggings, and gray and white sneakers. I had my hair up in a bun, natural foundation, and light pink lipstick. "Yeah, my hair frizzing up is so cute and attractive." I jokingly rolled my eyes, laughing.

He wrapped his arms around me, then picking me up. "But it is."

I squealed, laughing until a few tears came out of my eyes. "Manuel!"

He put me down, and we played a few more rounds of tennis until I needed a break. He tossed me a cold bottle of water, and I missed catching it, so it fell on the ground, which caused the both of us to laugh hysterically. "I can't do anything right today," I said, still laughing as I bent down to get the water bottle.

"I love it." He took a sip out of his water bottle.

I kept an eye out on time since Savannah was going to perform in the "Alice In Wonderland" play this evening at school. I had to make sure I left in time to shower, change, and for Manuel to pick me up later. Of course, Caleb, Nina, and Sadie will also go watch Savannah perform later.

"What do you think of art museums?" I randomly asked him, looking at him curiously. I had realized we have never done that, and it was something I wanted to do.

"Sounds boring to me personally," he scoffed, laughing. He took another sip of his water. "Why do you ask?"

My face fell, feeling flushed. I shook my head, feeling stupid. "No reason. I was just wondering."

He winced, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. I wasn't thinking." He sighed. "We can do that sometime if that's something you want to do."

I shook my head, still feeling embarrassed. "No, it's fine. Forget it, not everyone is into the same things." I certainly wasn't going to force him to do something that he didn't want to do, even if it made me feel embarrassed that he said it was boring.

He shamefully looked down. "I shouldn't have said that."

I wanted to change the subject quickly. "We can go back to playing tennis." I picked up the racket, and whacked the tennis ball towards him.

He whacked the tennis ball back, barely missing it.

After playing for an hour, I didn't feel as stupid about Manuel's answer about an art museum. I knew sometimes people said things without thinking. I was sure I did it at times too.

I pulled out my cell phone, checking the time, which said it was 4:45. "I'm going to have to go home soon," I told Manuel. "Then, you can pick me up around sixish."

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