Chapter 12

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{Song in video: Flor - Hold On}

It was officially the first day of junior year.

I got up out of bed, rummaging through my closet to see what I could wear. I decided I would wear a white blouse, light ripped blue jeans, and white flats. Then, I put on foundation, black eyeliner, and light pink lip gloss. I nodded my head as I checked myself out in the mirror.

I headed downstairs, and made my mom and I pancakes while my mom fed Fluffy.

Fluffy meowed, purring against me as she walked around me while I sat down and ate the pancakes.

I sat on the couch as I waited for Manuel to pick me up. Normally, either Nina or my mom took me to school, but since I'm back with Manuel, he offered to give me a ride.

My cell phone buzzed, and I saw a text from Manuel that said: I'm here :)

I smiled, and quickly told my mom and Fluffy bye as I headed out of the door.

I got in Manuel's car, and we drove to the school. I had my schedule in my hand, noticing I had chemistry class for first period. I sighed, not wanting to deal with a mixture of science and math in the morning.

Manuel smiled at me, holding my hand as we pulled into the parking lot. "At least we have the same lunch hour," he said.

"I'm glad we do," I said, smiling back.

We kissed, and then got out of the car, walking next to each other while holding hands.

A few people gave us curious looks as we passed by them since Manuel is well-known at the school. They probably didn't know we got back together.

We walked inside the main building, and I saw my friends standing by the lockers, talking. We went over to them before the bell would ring in a few minutes.

"Ugh, I have chemistry for first period," Sadie groaned as she looked at her schedule.

"So do I," I said, giving her a reassuring smile.

Her face lightened up a little. "Thankfully I have someone there with me."

I glanced around, looking at everyone that passed us, noticing a familiar looking person opening the doors, and walking into the main building in the hallway. It took me a few seconds to think of who it was. I gasped in surprise. It's Caleb!

Caleb slowly walked down the hallway, then briefly stopped to look over at his schedule. Then, he looked up, directly at us. His face was at first in shock, and then he grinned, walking our way. He kept grinning until Manuel swung his arm over me, then stopped, looking unsure.

"Hey, Caleb!" I exclaimed, grinning as I waved him to come over to us.

Nina gave me a confused look. "Caleb?" She asked, then turned around. "Oh my gosh, that is him!"

Manuel gave us a confused look, furrowing his eyebrows as he asked, "Who is Caleb?"

Nina, Sadie, Savannah, and I waved at Caleb as he came over to us.

"I'm Caleb," Caleb introduced himself to Manuel, smiling as he had his hand out.

Manuel slowly shook his hand, still looking at him suspiciously. "I'm Manuel."

"He's a friend we made while we were in Greece," I said to Manuel. I felt both happy and awkward at the same time since I was back together with Manuel, and had no idea Caleb would come to my high school of all places.

"Oh, one of Nina's exes?" He chuckled.

Caleb and I gave each other an awkward glance. "No," I said, nervously laughing.

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