Chapter 15

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{Song in video: The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues}

I sat in front of my computer screen staring at my dad's profile on Facebook. Should I message him? If I do, what would I even say? My mom didn't even know that I was thinking of messaging him, but for now, I thought it was best if I didn't tell her anything about that yet. If I had told her before I messaged my dad, then she would probably tell me not to.

He seemed like he was a business man, judging by one of his pictures. He was wearing a suit, standing next to a big building that showed it was located in downtown Beverly Hills. Although, I couldn't tell what the building was called since the name wasn't in the picture.

I sighed, looking at the time, which was 2:30 on a Sunday afternoon. Nina, Savannah, and Sadie were about to come over any minute to study together for our math test for this upcoming week.

A few minutes later, I heard a few knocks on my front door. I went downstairs, opening the door, and letting my friends come in.

"I bought diamond necklaces for us. Each of yours has the first initial of your name. I had them specially made," Nina squealed in delight, handing out each necklace to us. Nina's had N, Sadie's had S, Savannah's had S, and I had T on our necklaces.

I gasped in awe as I looked at how sparkly and beautiful it looked. "Thank you, Nina. It's so beautiful!" I exclaimed, temporarily forgetting about my dad.

"Even though I rarely wear jewelry, I will wear the heck out of this. Thanks, girl," Sadie said, grinning as she put her necklace on.

"I love it! Thanks, Nina," Savannah squealed as she put hers on.

"No problem. I love you girls," Nina said as all of us group-hugged. "You all are the best friends I've ever had, so you all deserve these beautiful necklaces."

After we all put on our necklaces, we went upstairs to my room.

"Who's this hot older guy?" Nina said as she looked at the computer screen, which still showed my dad's Facebook profile picture. "I should hire him as my sugar daddy."

Shoot, I forgot I had that still up. I wasn't exactly ready or in the mood to talk about that. "Uh, that's actually my dad," I said in a quiet tone. "A few days ago, I was looking at a cook book recipe, and then I saw a picture of my parents and I."

The three of my friends looked at the picture in surprise. "That's your dad?" Nina raised her eyebrows. "You should message him, and meet up with him."

Savannah gave her a serious look. "It's up to Tinsley. She will message him only if she is comfortable. She definitely doesn't have to though," she said to Nina.

"Anytime I think of messaging him, I just can't," I sighed. "I would like to talk to him, and ask him questions, but he still did abandon my mom and I."

"I understand that," Sadie said, nodding her head. "Only do it when you're comfortable to do so."

"Does Manuel know?" Nina asked as she sat down on my bed.

I nodded my head. "Of course. I told him about it when he came over to apologize," I answered. "The only way I can maybe message my dad is if Manuel and Caleb were here too."

"Will Manuel be mad about Caleb again?"

"I hope not. I just want anyone close to me to be there for me if I decide to do it." I got my cell phone to text Manuel and Caleb to come over.

I took my hair out of a bun, and curled it a little since I wanted to look my best. I already had on foundation, eyeliner, and light pink lipstick. Something about looking my best made me feel more confident in myself. That was also something that Nina had taught me over time.

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