Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV:

"Sophie! Wake up!"

"Mmmphhhhhh," I mumble."I wanna sleep. Go away." I turn away from the annoying person and try to fall asleep again. No luck.

"Sophie!" Something soft hits my head, and I hear the person clapping their hands twice. The blinds fly open and light fills the room. Oh, you're so paying for that, whoever so are. 

"Whaaatt?" I say grumpily, opening my eyes and checking my alarm clock. It's 5:38 AM. "What in the world did you wake me up for?" I sit up to glare at whoever threw the pillow at my head and attempt to throw it back. "I mean- oh hi Biana. WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Biana smiles, her teal eyes glittering.

"Love your hair, Sophie! " I self-consciously run my hand through my hair, and sure enough, there are so many knots I can barely get my hand out. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come over for a sleepover tonight! Keefe and Dex will also be there. Oh, and for a superpowerful elf girl with superpowerful superpowers, your aim sucks."

"Sure, I'll come. But you DIDN'T HAVE TO WAKE ME UP AT 5:30 TO ASK ME! Also, could you have used the word 'super' more times in that sentence?" 

"Oh, relax. Of course I had to come over this early! I love seeing how grumpy you are in the morning!" Biana winks and takes out her home crystal. "See you at Everglen!" And with that, Biana glitters away, still laughing.

"Sorry, honey," Edaline says, entering the room. "Biana told us all about the sleepover and her early morning visit-"

"No kidding," I grumble, getting out of bed. 

"-but she said it was supposed to be a surprise. You'd better get ready!"

_____2.5 hours later_____

"Everglen!" I shout. I just changed into my favourite teal tunic with delicate embroidery on the edges. I just at breakfast and showered, so I am ready to go impress Fitz. Uh, I mean impress Biana. A crystal drops down, creating a beam of light for me.

Dex, Biana and I just finished our mid-term tests. Keefe and Fitz already graduated... But it's our mid-term break, the best time of year!

I arrive outside the sparkling, golden gates. Within a second, the gates had opened and I spot my friends waiting for me there. Naturally, I'm late. I'm late to everything, from hanging out with Biana to the terrifying Inflicting sessions with Councillor Bronte.

"Hurry up, Foster, we're going to play Base Quest!" Keefe shouts, flashing his signature smirk before he turns and races towards the woods. His perfectly styled blonde hair glints in the sunlight before he enters the dark shadow of the forest.

"Ok, let's go! As long as it's not a makeover with Biana," I say cheerfully, shooting a sideways smirk at Biana.  I forgive you for waking me up so early. I transmit to her. My dark-haired friend smiles playfully.

"Great idea, Sophie! Let's do it after." Everyone groans.

"Hey, are we playing or not?" Keefe's impatient voice rings out from the forest.

"C'mon," Fitz says in his accented voice before turning and sprinting after his best friend, looking as cute as ever. "Last one there is a rotten egg!"


"I call Foster!" Keefe shouts, draping his arm over my shoulders as soon we skid to a halt next to him.

"Um, no, I want Sophie," Dex argues, tugging Keefe's arm off my shoulder.

"Boys!" Biana interjected before Fitz could try to claim me for himself too. Wait, that came out weird. "How about Sophie and me against you three!" They could all tell that it wasn't a question by looking at her eyes. Her glare could have burned a hole through the wall. Grumbling, the boys sulk off to their side to plan their Quest.

"Thanks, Biana!" I say. "I don't know what I'd do without you!"

"No problem. You know I'm always here for you." Biana replies, her teal eyes glittering.

"Also, great job on picking the winning team for Basequest!" We high-five. "So here's the plan: I'll track their thoughts when they Quest, transmit them to you and make a really loud noise so they think I'm going to find them. Then-"

"-I'll vanish and actually get them!" Biana starts jumping up and down with excitement.

"Exactly!" I smile at my friend. "Then when we quest, you run into their base, distract them, and get a look at their hiding place for their flag. Then I'll levitate up, teleport into their base, and teleport back after I read your mind and see where the flag is. Got it?"

"Yeah. But I see why all the boys like you. Cute, powerful AND smart!" She winks at me, and I give her a playful push.

"Not ALL the guys like me. I mean, I heard that Tam is the president of the Biana Vacker Fan Club!" 

Biana blushes and shoves me back. "Shut up."

I'm about to argue more, but I here Keefe's shout. "Begin!"


5 minutes later...

"I think this has got to be a record for 'quickest game of Basequest ever won!'" I smile triumphantly.

"Not fair!" Keefe groans.

"I agree with Keefe. But I call Sophie this time!" Fitz chimes in.

"Hey, just because you're Cognates doesn't mean you ALWAYS get to team up with her!" Dex fumes, crossing his skinny arms.

"What? I haven't been on Sophie's team for so long! And speaking of Cognates... " Fitz says with a sideways glance at me that makes me nervous.

Can I talk to you privately? Fitz transmits to me, making me jump.

Sure. I transmit back nervously, tugging out an eyelash. Where?

Um, I don't know. Anywhere! He flashes his movie star smile at me, and my traitorous heart flutters.

Sure, is Havenfield OK?   I glance behind me and notice Biana, Keefe, and Dex staring silently at us.

Of course! Fitz transmits.

"Hey, no secret telepathic conversations, you two, or we'll assume you're flirting!" Keefe shouts, causing both of us to jump and the other three to snicker.

"Fitz and I need to talk, so we're going to Havenfield for a bit. We'll be right back!" I announce, ignoring Keefe's comment.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to Slurps and Burps to get some elixirs for tonight, too. Sophie, use the ring if I'm late!" Dex flashes his dimpled smile before taking out his crystal and leaping away.

"Ready?" I askes Fitz nervously. When he nods and takes my hand, I fish out my home crystal and we leap to Havenfield together.

We land right next to Calla's Panakes tree, and I can't help but remember the last time we were here, when he leaned in so close it almost seemed like... I mentally slap myself. Don't get your hopes up! 

"So what did you want to ask me?" I ask, gently sliding my hand out of his and sitting down with my back leaning against the trunk. I tug out an eyelash in anticipation.

"Oh yeah..." Fitz sits down beside me and rakes his fingers through his hair adorably. "What's that thing you keep almost telling me, but Keefe keeps interrupting or you chicken out?"

Now it's my turn to blush. I pull out 10 loose eyelashes before finally answering. I just have to get it out of my system.

"Can I transmit it to you? I don't think I can say it out loud." When Fitz nods, I take a deep breath and transmitted the secret she had been carrying for so long.

I like you. Though I transmitted it so quickly and softly it came out like ilikeu

Huh? He transmits back. I look up at his gorgeous teal eyes and steel my courage.

I like you... I transmit again, louder. I duck my head and stare at the ground to avoid looking at his expression.

Fitz opens and closes his mouth several times, unsure of what to say.

"Oh," He finally says. I think my face is on fire by now. What if I just ruined my friendship with him? And WHAT IN THE WORLD IS TAKING SO LONG FOR FITZ TO REPLY????

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now