Chapter 2

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Fitz's point of view:

Did Sophie Foster, the girl who I've liked for 5 years just tell me she like her? Or am I dreaming? I wonder. As sorry as I am for not having a better reaction than "oh", I really can't help it. I don't think my brain is functioning properly.

I can feel her anxiously watching me, so I take one of her hands in mine. "Sophie, I-"

"Like Linh?"

"What? No! I never liked Linh. I just think her water powers are cool..." I trail off, noticing the quizzical look she's giving me. I feel like my cheeks are bright red. "I don't like Linh," I say, more firmly.

"Then you like Marella?"

"Ew!" And I'm being truthful.

"So it's Stina!" She smiles triumphantly, although I know she's teasing. I sigh in exasperation.

"Sophie, I YOU." I take her other hand and smile at her. She blinks her amazing brown eyes, confused.

"Wait. Why? I'm just... me. And Linh's like crazy powerful and really pretty!" I can't believe she's being so dumb. Sophie's usually very smart.

"You're crazy powerful. You're the most powerful elf our world has ever seen! And you're even more pretty than Linh. Besides, I don't think Keefe would ever shut up if I ended up with Tam for a brother." She finally smiles back.

"Am I interrupting something?" Grady's voice asks from behind us. Sophie and I quickly let go of each other and jump up.

"Dad!" She's blushing, and I think I am too. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Oh, not too long," Grady replies with a mischievous grin. "I'm just glad you didn't pick That Boy. Anyways, there was a little too much 'holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes' happening for my liking."

"Not you too!" Sophie groans. "Anyways, Keefe and I are just friends." Sophie puts a lot of emphasis on those words, so I can tell she means them.

He raises his eyebrows with a teasing smile, then notices me standing there, watching. "Oh, sorry, Fitz. I know this must be awkward." Grady smiles apologetically at me.

"Um. It's OK." I reply, not knowing what else to say. He chuckles at that, winks at Sophie and goes back up to the house.

Sophie and I stand there for a moment, silence descending between us.

"Shall we?" I offer her my hand and take out my home crystal. She takes my hand with a smile and we leap to Everglen together.


"MAKEOVER TIME!" Biana shouts when we get inside. "I'll do Sophie, and Dex can do the boys."

"Wait, why do I have to torture these guys?" Dex asks.

"Duh, you have a bunch of elixirs!" Biana rolls her eyes and drags Sophie up the stairs to her room. Save me, she mouths at me before disappearing around a curve. 

Aw, you'll be fine, I transmit back. I can almost imagine her rolling those entrancing eyes.

"Right!" Dex pushes all of us into the nearest bathroom. "OK. Fitz, drink these," I hesitate for a second. After all, this is the guy who turned my hair into a cactus! "C'mon, trust me!" He insists. I sigh and just drink the elixirs, gagging.

"What was supposed to happen?" I question.

"Just wait," He commands and turns to Keefe. He gives him more elixirs. "And I'll eat these," He opens his palm, revealing several ruckleberries.

"Ohhhh, I see where you're going here," Keefe smirks and chugs his elixirs. "Forke up, Dex!"

Dex grins and pops his ruckleberries into his mouth. "Ewww. These taste like Flareadon poop!"

I had a feeling Keefe was about to ask how Dex knew what Flareadon poop tasted like, but suddenly I shout out loud. Because when I looked in the mirror, I didn't see myself, but the face of Stina Heks was staring back at me.

"Dex! What did you do?" I shout. But Dex and Keefe are laughing uncontrollably. 

"Sophie's gonna freak!" Was all Keefe could get out between laughs. But he experienced a sudden transformation, too. But instead of turning into someone as ugly as Stina, he turned into... me.

"Dude!" Keefe shouts, giving Dex a high-five. "Wait, watch this-" But whatever Keefe was planning was cut off by Dex's body swelling and wrinkling. Within seconds, we have a Forkle-Dex standing between us. Dex looks exactly like Mr. Forkle, only his eyes are the same colour and his dimples are still there when he grins.

"Awesome! The girls are gonna be so confused!" Keefe says in my voice. I sigh. It's so true.

"Ready?" I ask. Not that I wanted Sophie to see me as Stina. That was going to be a nightmare. "Might as well get this over with."

And with that, the three of us walk up and wait outside Biana's room.


Biana screams, jumping back when she opens the door to find me (Stina), Dex (Mr. Forkle), and Keefe (me) standing there. "Who invited Stina and Mr. Forkle?" She demands. Us three are laughing too hysterically to respond. But then Sophie walks through the doorway to stand next to Biana.

"Um..." Was all she had to say. "Wait. That's not Mr. Forkle, that's Dex. The eyes are different, and I think you're shorter." She points at Forklenated Dex. "I don't think I've ever seen Fitz smirk like that, so that's Keefe. So you're the real Fitz." Sophie gives me her adorable smile.

"Well, you like different too," I point out. And it's true. Her blonde hair is in a braid that looks awesome on her, a few touches of makeup (That I don't know the terms of) bring out the gold flecks in her gorgeous brown eyes, and she's wearing a beautiful teal dress. Sophie looks stunning. Biana looks amazing too, although I see her so often like this it doesn't really make a difference.

"Understatement!" Keefe calls in my voice, snapping me back to reality. "Also... your photographic memory is really a downer."

Sophie just winks at him in response.

"You can stop the mimicking now, Keefe," Biana tells him out. "Also... It's weird seeing Mr. Forkle with dimples."

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now