Chapter 21

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Sophie's POV:

I blink a few times, trying to make sure I heard the right thing. Fitz's hand goes slack with shock. This is what brings me back to reality.

"No." Someone says. Then I realize that was me. "No, I'm not leaving Fitz." 

"OK. One second, please." Councillor Emery turns to the other Councillors and opens his mind to a silent argument. A few seconds later, he turns to face us again, rubbing his temples. "My apologies. But we have agreed that the rules can be bent if you wish." 

"How will they be bent?" I ask hesitantly.

"For example, you may have a family. But if they get in the way of your decisions, we may have to ask you to step down. Also, you'll have to check in telepathically from time to time." 

"All right. Do I still have time to think about this?"

"Of course you do," he replies immediately. "Just try to get back to us within 3 days or less." And with that, they all leap away. 

"Well, that was unexpected," Fitz says a moment later, breaking the silence. 

"Totally," I agree. Then a soft, romantic song begins to play. "Come on, lets dance!" I walk as fast I can without tripping to the dance floor, towing Fitz along. 

When we get there, I turn to face him, and he places a warm hand on my waist. We sway together, enjoying the moment and doing what Keefe aways accused us of doing: getting lost in each other's eyes. 

Fitz twirls me and takes a bow, grinning. He straightens up and rakes his fingers through his hair, ruining the careful style that he had earlier. Though, in my opinion, he looks much more handsome this way. 

"You know," Fitz says with mock thoughtfulness. "This might be the best day of my life." 

I laugh softly. "Me, too. Though the day I met you is probably a close second." The song finishes, and we sit down on a cushioned bench together. I rest my head on his shoulder, and he wraps a protective arm around my shoulders. 

"You want to go somewhere? To get away from this madness?" Fitz gestures around us, and I laugh again. 

"Sure... but it's our wedding." 

"Eh. They can wait for us to come back." Fitz shrugs, a mischievous glint in his teal eyes. "Come with me." He leads me off to the side of the island (yes they had a wedding on an island shut up i think it's cute), with people giving us confused looks along the way. 

On the sandy-white beach, there's a small wooden dock with an old-fashioned, wooden boat with two seats and two oars for rowing. 

Fitz hops in and offers me his hand. I take it and climb slowly into the boat, trying not to fall over. The boat rock beneath my feet as I take a seat. Fitz's strong hands untie the knot and we start to glide out into the unknown. (I'm a Disney fan, don't judge :D

I lean back with a smile. It's a perfectly clear night, and if it weren't for the ripples that we're making with the boat, you could've seen your reflection in the water. 

Fitz arm and back muscles ripple every time he rows. It's like a pattern: Dip the oars in the water, pull them back, lift them out. Repeat. 

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"I actually have no idea," Fitz admits with a grin. "Just wanted to get away from all that, you know?" 

"Yeah." After a moment's pause, I speak again. "You realize you're going to have to deal with me for the rest of your life?" I ask playfully. 

Fitz smiles that movie-worthy smile that I fell for all those years ago. "Yup. Can't wait."

I return the smile. "You know I love you, right?" 

"Not as much as I love you," He replies, setting the oars down and letting the boat glide. We both lean in simultaneously and share a sweet kiss...

Under the Moon and the Stars.


The End! 

I hope you guys liked this story. 'Cause if you didn't, I guess it was a waste of your time. Sorry about that. 

Anyway, thanks so much for being an amazing audience. Don't worry, I won't forget about all the spelling/grammar mistakes I made. I'll edit the whole thing soon. 

Also, I might do a short epilogue if you guys want. It won't be anything crazy. Please comment your opinion.

Again, thanks for being awesome! You guys are the best. Feel free to comment story ideas. I'm open to suggestions. I'll probably take a little break from Wattpad, though. Not too long, maybe 1-2 weeks. 


k1tk4t127 (aka the Best Person on the Planet ;p )

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now