Chapter 19

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Sophie's POV:

"Don't think I didn't hear that conversation," A familiar voice says from the doorway. I whirl around, still in my P.J.'s, and find Biana leaning in the doorway. She grins and runs over to me. "You're getting married in two months! That means..."

"Oh, no," I groan. 

"SHOPPING!" Biana finishes grandly, jumping up and down in excitement. "But, also, before that, do you want to come swimming with me? I'm a bit bored right now."

"Yeah, of course!" I agree, glad to have an excuse not to go shopping. "Give me 15 minutes, and I'll meet you by the leapmaster. 


"Ready?" Biana's already in a swimsuit (Or should I say bikini), with her hair in a perfect ponytail. Unlike mine. 

"Yeah, let's go!" Together, we step into a beam of light that Biana already created.


When we arrive, I have to blink a few times to let my eyes adjust. "Whoa," I breathe. 

The waves are crystal-clear, the sand is golden and glinting in the sunlight, the sun is warm and the perfect temperature. 

"Yeah, isn't it awesome?" Biana agrees. 

"Yup!" Another voice agrees, and we both turn to find Tam, Linh, Wylie, and Fitz walking towards us. 

"I thought it was just going to be us?" I ask Biana, though I don't really know why I'm complaining.

"Aw, but I  thought it was going to be a nice triple date!" Biana counters. 

"Wait. Triple Date? Are Linh and Wylie a thing now?" I'm starting to get confused. 

"Yeah, haven't you heard? Dex and I broke up a few weeks ago," Linh explains, walking over to us. She's hand in hand with Wylie. 

"Apparently not," I answer, mystified. Fitz stands next to me and I lean against him, intertwining my fingers with his, while Tam wraps an arm around Biana's shoulders. 

We all look a little different. My hair is naturally wavy now, and it hangs down to the small of my back. Tam's hair is shorter, but his silver bangs still hang over his eyes. Linh's hair goes down to her waist and it's now dyed blue, as well as silver, so now it matches her eyes even more. Wylie is taller, more muscular. 

"So what else is new?" I ask, not wanting to be out of the loop anymore. "Spill the tea," I add a second later. Linh giggles.

Biana answers immediately. "Well, now that Dex isn't dating Linh, anymore, he asked Marella out. Keefe is off being... Keefe, I guess. I haven't really seen him in a while. Huh, I wonder how he's doing? I should go visit him! Oooh maybe he's done something super crazy and he looks really different. Like shave his head!" 

The rest of us stare at her, half bewildered and half amused.

Then Tam cuts in. "Also... Biana and I are going to get married."

My jaw almost drops to the ground as I try to get over my surprise. 

"Congrats!" Linh squeals. 

"Yeah, congratulations!" I echo, smiling. 

Biana's smile is radiant as she turns her head to look at Tam. He leans down to kiss her. 

"Awwww..." Linh and I tease at the same time. 

Fitz laughs. "Yeah, my little sister's finally growing up." 

Biana pulls away from Tam to glare at Fitz.

"Quit being grumpy!" Linh laughs, splashing Biana in the face suddenly with a wave that appears out of nowhere. 

"Oh, you're so on!" 


"Oooooooh, this dress is so cute!" Biana squeals, holding up a silver and white wedding dress with a very low neckline. Biana, Linh and I are shopping at Atlantis (against my will). 

"You want to buy it?" I ask. 

Biana studies it for a moment. "Nah, on second thought, it's kind of plain." I hold back a sigh. We've been shopping for 3-and-a-half hours already, and all we've bought are a pair of shoes for my wedding. They're white heels with studded with diamonds. 

"Yeah, I agree," Linh says. "You'd still look really pretty in it though. My brother is so head over heels about you; he thinks you look beautiful in anything." Linh rolls her eyes, causing Biana to turn red. 

"ANYWAY," Biana says loudly. Nearly everyone in the shop turns to look at her. "Sophie, just pick a dress, and we'll give our opinion.

"How 'bout... this one?" I carefully remove the dress from the rack, putting down the shoes. The dress is a little simple, but I think it looks really nice. The top is white, with tiny flower decorations and a skinny waist. There are short sleeves that barely pass my elbows, and the bottom part hangs down. 

"It's pretty cute! Try it!" Biana says, giving me a gentle shove towards the change room. 

"Alright, alright, I'm going!" I laugh. "Hold my shoes for me." 


When I come back wearing the dress, everyone's heads turn in my direction again. 

"You look beautiful," The store owner, a nice-looking woman says.

"Thank you," I mumble back, not really sure why I'm embarrassed. 

"Ok, this is perfect for you. Fitz is going to love it!" Biana squeals. 

"He really is," Linh agrees.

_____The day before the wedding_____

"Ahhhh, I'm so nervoussssss." I pace around my room, trying (and failing) not to panic. Biana is there to comfort me. 

"Aw, c'mon, it's going to be so awesome!" She's jumping up and down again. 

"But what if I do something wrong? Then everyone's going to laugh!" I bury my face in my hands. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. And if anyone laughs, I will personally throw them off a cliff. Don't you worry."

I laugh weakly. "Thanks, Biana."

"Hey, no problem!" Biana grins. "You can do this, OK? I believe in you."

"OK. Yes. I've got this." I square my shoulders and feel a little more confident. 

_____The next day_____

Biana is back, this time helping me get into the dress and heels. She even does my hair and make-up for me. 

"Remember - you've got this, OK?" Biana spins me around to face the mirror. And I have to admit: The girl staring back at me is gorgeous. Gold eyeliner brings out the gold flecks in my eyes, my hair is braided neatly down my back, a few touches of make-up bring out my features, and my dress and shoes put the whole thing together nicely. 

"OK," I take a deep breath and turn around to face Biana. "Ready to go?"

She grins. "If you are."


Hi guys! I'm back! Happy (extended) Spring Break everyone! Hope you are all well. If you are in self-quarantine... at least you can read this story ;)

Let's get down to business! (To defeat the Huns. JK :D )

So anyway, this is going to be one of the last chapters. I'll probably have two or three more, but I'll definitely do a new story soon. I can't believe how far we've come!

New story ideas are welcome. I have a few, but I'm not actually sure if they're good or not. So here are my ideas:

KOTLC characters meet the Heroes of Olympus (Percy Jackson and friends)

After Legacy

A new fantasy story that will be entirely my own


So those are the ideas. Please tell me if they're good or not! I really need your help!

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now