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Sophie's POV (15 years later - Sophie is 40 now)

"GIVE IT BACK!" Emrick, the youngest boy at the age of 5, shrieks. He has messy, light brown hair and teal eyes. "MOMMMYYYYYYYYY!!!! KAILA TOOK MY TEDDY BEAR!"

I smile, watching my youngest son chase my daughter around. Kaila is 8, and she has wavy dark brown, almost black hair and brown eyes. Her smirk looks a little like Keefe's. She spends an unhealthy amount of time with him.

Out of all my children, Kaila is the only one who inherited my brown eyes. Fitz says she looks like me.

A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, and I lean backwards, resting my head on Fitz's muscular chest. He plants a kiss on the top of my head, causing me to smile.

"Hey, beautiful." His breath tickles my neck and I giggle.

"Hey yourself." Just then our eldest daughter, Jobina, arrives home from Foxfire. She's only 12, meaning she's in level 2, but she's already manifested as a conjurer. She has an easy smile, blond hair, and gold-flecked teal eyes.

"How was school, Jo?" Fitz asks, placing his hands on top on mine gently.

"It was actually really good," she admits with a smile. "Look what I learnt today!" Jobina snaps her fingers and Emrick's teddy bear disappears from Kaila's and re-appears in Jobina's hands. Emrick shrieks again and sprints at his oldest sister, hands outstretched.

Jobina laughs and snaps her fingers again to make Kaila's stuffed gremlin appear in her other hand before sprinting away.

Fitz and I watch as our three children run around the house, screaming their heads off. It hurts my ears but I can't help but smile.

Suddenly the doorbell rings, and I pull away from Fitz to open it. Biana and Keefe stand at the on the porch. Biana's cradling a newborn son in her arms, whose silvery-blue eyes and delicate features already make him look a lot like his dad - Tam.

"Hi! We came by to say hello and to check on how you guys are doing," Biana says brightly. I invite them in, and we all sit on the couches, just like the old times. "The others couldn't come, but they said to tell you hi."

Kaila comes running around the corner and flings herself into Keefe's arms. "There's my favourite Vacker!" Keefe chuckles. "No offence, Fitzy."

"None taken." Fitz flashes his movie-star grin. "So, what's my new nephew's name?"

"We're thinking about naming him Sophino, in hopes that he'll change the world someday" Biana explains with a wink. My jaw drops.

"Seriously?" I ask, stunned and worried about my friend's sanity.

"Ha, nope. I got you there." Biana laughs at my expression. "His name is actually Mikkel."

"That's a cute name!" I say. Keefe pretends to gag, causing Fitz to laugh. Mikkel has his dad's silvery-blue eyes, and he has a tuft of brown hair on his little head.

We sit there and talk for a while, catching up on things. Biana runs a make-up/manicure/pedicure/hair shop called "Sparkles," because according to her, she makes everything look better, like sparkles.

Keefe is an Emissary for the council, and sometimes he and Fitz work together on important assignments.

But because Emissaries work for the council, basically they work for me, as I keep reminding them. They have to report to me 3 times a week, which is equally hilarious and embarrassing.

Biana cracks a smile. "Remember when I hated you?"

"Oh, boy, do I ever!" Fitz laughs. "You were like: 'don't sit at our table or I'll kill you.'" He shifts his voice up a bit in an attempt to mimic Biana's voice.

"It was pretty funny," Keefe agrees, snorting. He flashes his signature smirk. "And remember that day I met you in my ditching place, when you exploded Lady Galvin's cape? That was pretty epic." My face feels burning hot. But they're right. Look how far we've come.

We defeated the Neverseen, finished all 8 levels at Foxfire and miraculously didn't fail any courses (except for my first alchemy lessons), started new families, but we're still as close as ever.

Dex, Linh, Tam, Biana, Fitz, Keefe, Wylie, Marella and I have been through so much together, we are about as close as elves can be.

And there's only one word to describe that relationship:


Good news - the sequel is out! Check out my other story, Floating and Falling, told from the point of view of Kaila Vacker.

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