Chapter 14

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Biana's POV:

Watching Sophie and Fitz leave together, I can't help but have some mixed feelings. Joy, elation, jealousy, you name it. Because they're so cute together. Not like Tam's not cute. But sometimes he's a little... salty? Sulky? I don't know how to describe it. I sometimes wish that Tam and I could be that cute together, though. 

Keefe's POV:

As fun as being a bachelor is, I kind of want someone to care for me a lot. Someone who would actually like me, I guess. Someone like Sophie. But since she and Fitz are dating, I hope I'll find someone else. 

Marella and I dated for a while. A month or so. But she's a Pyrokenitic, and I know we can't be together. We weren't even that close. 

Dex's POV: 

Wow. Sophie and Fitz are honestly perfect together. I mean, Linh's awesome. She's really pretty and stuff. I'm still trying to work up the courage to ask her out (hey, I'm a chicken, don't blame me). But sometimes I feel like she likes someone else. Sophie and Fitz don't like anyone else other than each other. And they're honestly so sweet.

Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if Sophie liked me back. 

Tam's POV: 

I look over at Biana, who's studying the spot Sophie and Fitz were sitting in like it would somehow make our relationship as good as theirs. Fitz is pretty much the best boyfriend a girl could wish for. Cute, smart, kind, good looking, strong, almost 'royal' family, perfect life... I'd give anything to be that good of a boyfriend to Biana.

Sophie's POV: 

We re-materialize on a small island in the sea. A little forest on our left, a river in front of us, and rocks on our right. The sun is setting, and Fitz leads me across the river by hopping across small stones. I somehow manage to make it across without tumbling into the water. 

We arrive at a white-sand beach facing the ocean and the sunset, and Fitz faces me. He takes my other hand, and I somehow manage not to melt into a pile of goo. 

"Sophie... when I met you, it was like a puzzle piece I didn't even know was missing was found. You made me who I am now. You gave me a reason to fight. And when you told me you liked me... it was like I was a lightbulb and you turned me on (edit: wow, I literally just realized how dirty that sounds 😳). These last 8-ish years when since I met you have been awesome, and the last couple of years that we've been dating have probably been the best 2 years of my life."

He pauses to take a breath. Meanwhile, I think I've stopped breathing. Because if this is what I think it is... I look deep into Fitz's eyes. The eyes that I fell in love with when I was 12. And I know I've made the right choice. 

"I realized that being with you is the thing that makes me happiest. So if I want to be this happy for the rest of my life, I know what I need to do." He gives my hands a gentle squeeze before dropping them, and reaches into his pocket and takes out a small, velvet box. 

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster," Fitz says formally, dropping to one knee and holding out the box. "Will you marry me... and make me the happiest elf in the world? (Crazy Rich Asians reference, I know)"

Fitz flips open the box and reveals the most gorgeous thing in the world: A silver and gold band with a teal jewel on the top. I may have squealed. 

"Yes!" I fling myself into his arms and he leans down to kiss me. Best. Kiss. Ever.

Fitz takes a deep breath, grinning wildly as he takes my hand and slips the ring onto it. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Are you crying?" His face morphs into one of concern as I try to brush away a tear. 

"Sorry. This is just... emotional," I give him a watery smile and he gives one back. 

"Don't apologize! I know, this is probably the best moment ever," Fitz agrees. 


As soon as we walk inside Havenfield, Biana notices us. Or should I say: notices my new accessory. She squeals and starts jumping up and down, the others looking at her like she's crazy. Biana ignores them and shoots me a look like: Talk to me later. Uh-oh. I quickly change the subject. 

"Sooooo... what are we doing?" I wonder, casually putting my hands behind my back. 

Keefe smirks. "Truth or dare, Foster!" Tam face palms behind his back. 

"Again?" I groan. "Why don't we play something else? Like... I dunno. Basequest?" 

"Only if I'm on your team," Keefe bargains. "Actually, you could probably go against ALL of us and still win."

"True," Dex jokes, flashing his dimples with a grin. Then Grady and Edaline choose that moment to walk into the living room, noticing the ring I totally failed to hide. 

"Do you need-" She cuts herself off with a squeal, then claps her hands over her mouth. Edaline's eyes look misty, while Grady is trying not to scowl. Biana grins. 

"I know, right??"

"What in the world is happening?" Tam demands, voicing the question everyone is trying not to ask. 

"Nothing!" I reply quickly. Maybe too quickly. 

Fitz glances at me. Should we tell them? He transmits.

If you want. It would be a little weird, though...

Yeah. He agrees. Maybe later. 

Keefe waves his hands through the air. "Yeah... there's definitely something Foster's not telling us." I shoot Linh a desperate look. Thankfully, she understands.

"Why don't we go play with the sparkly Alicorns?" She suggests. She makes her way over to my side, muttering, "You tell me later." 

"Ugh. To quote Ro: 'I don't know how much more sparkles I can take,'" Keefe grumbles, but follows us outside anyways. 

"Speaking of Ro, how's she doing?" I wonder. 

"Eh, she's probably fine. How Gigantor?" Keefe counters. 

"Oh yeah... I totally forgot about him. I can check now!" I offer, taking out my imparter. "Show me Sandor." 

The imparter rings once, twice, three times before Sandor finally picks up. "Is something wrong, Miss Foster?" 

So... yeah. This chapter was kind of lame, especially the ending. I can't think of anything to write! You guys are welcome to give me suggestions :)

Anyways, I finally read Legacy. No offence, but it wasn't as good as I was expecting. Still pretty awesome, though!

But now I don't even know what to ship. I was 100% shipping Tiana, Sophitz, and Lix but now that I read the book, I don't know what to ship. 

Should I do Bianex and Foster-Keefe? Or Lylie? I need to know! If y'all don't vote, I'll keep going with what I'm doing now. 

Peace ✌️😎

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