Chapter 13

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Sophie's POV:

I make a small rip, then stop. I can't do this!  My brain screams. I must've transmitted it because Fitz gives me a perfect smile.

Yes, you can! Just think of the reason you are doing it. Fitz encourages. Maybe he doesn't know that I'm doing this for him. I drop my gaze to my feet and take deep breaths in order to calm my pounding heart. Hey. Even if we somehow aren't on each other's lists... I want you to know that I'd be a bad match just to be with you. My heart flutters. That's such a sweet thing to say... and I can tell he means it just by looking at his smile. 

Thanks. I would too.

The others have obviously noticed that we're telepathically talking, because they're all staring at us. My face glows bright red. 

"Well. Are we opening this thing, or are we flirting with each other?" Keefe teases, smirking.

"Uh... is Marella coming?" I desperately try to change the subject. 

"She's a Pyrokenitic, remember? She can't be matched with us," Biana says softly, looking down at her shoes. 

I groan. "Well, I'm going to the matchmakers to make them match Marella with us." I start standing up, but Fitz pulls me back down. 

"It's not worth it." Fitz shakes his head. 

"But-" I try to complain.

"She'll be happy with someone else," Linh chimes in. I sigh in resignation. 

"Fine." I force my shaking hands to start to open the envelope again. Everyone else copies me. I take out the piece of paper and gently unfold it, taking in a deep breath and staring at my list. 

Matches for Sophie Elizabeth Foster: 

1) Valin

2) Valin

3) Valin

4) Valin

5) Valin

And it goes on and on. I stare at the page, and the first thing my brain processes is: Fitz isn't on my list. I steal a glance at the handsome, teal-eyed boy sitting next to me, but he's too engrossed in his list to notice. Then I realize that this can't be possible, and look around the room to see the one person who isn't looking at their match list: Keefe. 

"KEEFE! WHERE'S MY ACTUAL MATCH LIST!" I yell. Keefe only winks and produces a sealed envelope, handing it to me with a flourish and a bow. I glare at him.

"Would you like me to give you a foot massage too, my lady? And perhaps some hand-peeled grapes?" Keefe inquires teasingly. I swat him and and give him my best I'll kill you later  glare.

Tam snickers. "I bet that Keefe won't be on Sophie's top 3."

"Yeah? Well, I guarantee that I will be," Keefe replies defiantly. 

"Ok. Well if you're not, you have to be my personal servant for the day." Tam looks smug, like he already won. 

"If I win, you have to dye your bangs hot pink," Keefe counters with a sly smile. 

"Guys-" Linh tries, but the two boys talk over her.

"Deal!" They shake hands in confirmation. I shake my head and go back to opening my envelope, taking a deep breath and forcing myself not to look at Fitz. 

Matches for Sophie Elizabeth Foster:

1) Fitzroy Vacker

4) Keefe Sencen

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now