Chapter 8

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Tam's point of View:

I hear a soft snore, so I look away from the stars and turn to face Biana. She's sleeping peacefully with her mouth slightly open. I can feel a small smile forming on my face. I reach out to tuck her silky hair behind an ear, my fingers gently brushing her ear. I relax my nack and rest my head on the blanket, closing my eyes. 

Biana curls up and her head rests on my shoulder. The feeling is so abnormal, but it feels good. Good to have someone to trust me who isn't my sister. 

I'm about to fall asleep when Biana mumbles something in her sleep.


Fitz's point of view:

Yesssssss, I finally asked Sophie out! And she said yes! A goofy smile appears on Sophie's face after we pull away, and I'm sure I have one too.

"So where are we going on Sunday?" She asks, reaching up to brush my jawline with her fingertips. Electricity tingles through my body, starting from where she made contact with me.

"It's a surprise," I reply, gazing into her awesome, unique eyes.

You have beautiful eyes... I transmit. She blushes.

You too. She transmits back, making me smile more.

"Sophie, I..." She smiles her dazzling smile, making the gold flecks in her eyes glitter. It makes me lose my train of thought.


"I just wanted to tell you how much I've missed you since you went to the Silver towers," I mumble, running my hand through my hair. "I miss the way the gold flecks in your eyes sparkle when you're excited. I miss your amazing smile when you see something you like. I miss how you tug out an eyelash when you get nervous. I miss the way you get so adorably mad when Keefe teases you."

"Aw, I've missed you too," She whispers back. "So, should we go back in?" Sophie offers me her hand and leads me back inside when I take it, giddy with happiness

She climbs back into her sleeping bag. "Goodnight, Fitz," She whispers, closing her eyes. I bend down and plant a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight, Sophie." Then I pull my sleeping bag a tiny bit closer to hers and lay down in it. I'm so tired I don't even realize that Tam and Biana's sleeping bags are empty

Biana's point of view

Light seeps through my eyelids, causing me to groan and open my eyes to the most gorgeous sunrise I have ever seen. 

Wait, where am I? I think to myself, before realizing the "picnic-ish" night with Tam. And sure enough, when I sit up and turn my head, there he is. His eyelids are fluttering. He blinks a couple of times, then sits up and smiles at me.

"Hi," Tam gestures at the sunrise. Red, orange, yellow and pink surround a blazing sun. "It's awesome and all, but don't you wish it could be a little dimmer?" I laugh at that.

"It's the sunrise, dummy. The sun is the best light source in our world." I give an exaggerated eye-roll. Now it's Tam's turn to laugh, but then he gets serious.

"Hey, um, I don't know how this 'dating' thing works," he starts, a pink tinge appearing on his cheeks.

"Me neither," I agree quietly.

"So can we just... go slow and figure it out along the way?" I feel my eyes widen and look at his shy eyes.

"That sounds great to me," I reply with a smile, earning a matching one in return. We just sit there for a couple of minutes, enjoying the amazing sunrise and each others' company.


"Keefe, can I call in my favor?" Sophie asks at the breakfast table when we're all changed. I notice that she's sitting next to Fitz. They both look happier than I've seen them in a while, especially Sophie. Her eyes are shining and a smile is always present on her face. I also notice that Tam is sitting next to me.

"Sure," Keefe replies nervously, running his hand through his hair, which is somewhat styled. Though that might have just been a bad case of bed-hair. You can never tell when it comes to him.

"Can you people do this stuff later? Some of us are trying to eat." Marella tosses her hair and rolls her eyes. I think she's growing on me.

"Whatever you guys want," Keefe sighs. Fitz and Sophie exchange a look.


"So... what's the torture you're going to make Keefe go through?" Tam reminds Sophie when we all get back to our sleeping room.

"It's not exactly torture," Sophie replies with a grin. "Keefe only has to help out with Verdi the next 3 times Grady tells me to do something. And by help out, I mean you're doing it, not me."

"Whaddya mean that isn't torture?" Keefe whines, causing us to laugh.

"Oh, I want to call in my favour too," Tam adds, fixing Keefe with his ultra-intense glare. 

A ghost of a smirk flickers across Keefe's face. "If it's letting you in to the Sophie Foster Fan Club, I refuse. I'm still the president." 

"Nope. I'm fine with not being a member, as long as I'm still the president of the Biana Vacker Fan Club." Tam winks at me, and I feel my face turning bright red. I drop my gaze and stare at my feet, trying to hide my smile. "But I want to take a reading of your shadow-vapour."

"Whattttttt?" Keefe groans."Fine. But ONLY if I get to read your emotions, so I know if you're lying or not." Tam rolls his eyes, but still holds out his arm so Keefe can grab his wrist. The rest of us hold our breaths as Tam's shadow slowly creeps towards Keefe's.

When their shadows finally cross, Tam announces, "Whoa, this dude has quite a bit of shadow-vapour." 

"No, I don't. Stop lying, Bangs Boy."

"Fine..." Tam lets out a groan. "He only has a bit more shadow-vapour than normal." Keefe gives him a look.

"Arrgh! Why did I agree to let you read my emotions!" Tam complains, scowling.

"Meaning..." Keefe prods with his usual smirk on his face.

"You do have more shadow-vapour than usual, but your Illumination balances it out," Tam sighs. 

Keefe grins triumphantly.  "That's what I thought, Bangs Boy, that's what I thought.'

"Ok, my turn," Fitz grins. "I challenge you to an arm-wrestling competition!"

"Dude, that's not a favour. But I'll take it!" Keefe's reaches up and musses his hair, finally looking like his old self again.

"Well, if you getting humiliated in an arm-wrestling match isn't a favour, then I don't know what is." My brother's eyes are gleaming as grins at his best friend.

"Prepare to lose." Keefe flashes his most confident smirk. "Oh, you guys should do this too. We can have a tournament!"

Marella grins, tossing her hair. "It is so on!"

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now