Chapter 12

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Sophie's POV:

I hear a scream. It was probably me, but you can't really blame me. I mean, who doesn't scream when they teleport? You? Oh... shut up.

Anyway, Silveny brings us out of the void with another crack of thunder, landing lightly next to Greyfell. I topple off her back, groaning.

"Never. Again," Fitz croaks as he too struggles to his feet. Silveny trots over to us.

SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! She whinnies and nuzzles my neck.

"It's fine, girl. Just warn us next time, OK?" I trace my fingers down her silvery snout. I glance over my shoulder at Fitz. Or at least, where I thought Fitz was. Because he's not there anymore. Panicking slightly, I do a 360-degree turn until I spot Fitz playing with Luna and Wynn, which might be the most adorable thing ever. I mean, the cutest little animals are playing with the cutest boy in the universe!

Fitz glances up and grins at me, giving Wynn one last pat before walking over and taking my hand.

"This might actually be the best day of my life," Fitz says, tracing his thumb across the back of my hand. "Oh, wait! I got you another gift."

He lets go of my hand and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, golden box, handing it to me. The shape and size seems like another bracelet, but when I open it...

A pair of teal cloth bracelets with the words Sophie Foster + Fitz Vacker is inside. My pulse starts to race. My brain refuses to stop screaming that Fitz gave me a pair of Crush Cuffs. My hands are shaking. My-

"You hate it, don't you?" Fitz's accented voice brings me back to reality. He looks away and chews his lip so hard it looks like it hurts.

"I- no, it's... awesome." I slip the bracelets on and gently tangle my fingers with his. Luna nickers and bumps her head against Fitz's leg, wanting to play more. Silveny trots up on my other side and nuzzles my neck.

FLY? She asks with a blast of joy.

Fly! I reply, climbing onto Silveny's back while Fitz mounts Greyfell. The two alicorns flap their powerful wings and we soar into the sky, Luna and Wynn flipping and spinning happily behind us.


Keefe's POV:

"Hey Grady, is Fost- Sophie home?" I'm over at Havenfield to ask Sophie for help with... something. 

Grady looks at me suspiciously and stops washing Verdi. "No, she went out to do something with Fitz." I have to fight to keep the jealousy down. "Why?"

"Um, I need her help with something..." I trail off. 

"Which is?" 

"I need to pull a prank on Bangs Boy." I relent, smirking at the expression on Grady's face. "I'll just wait here if that's OK." 

"Actually, you can help me out while you're waiting."

__A couple of feathers and a lot of spit later...__

"Are we done yet?" I complain after Verdi shoots a blob of spit at my perfectly styled hair AGAIN. 

"Sure. Go wait over there." Grady gestures vaguely to Calla's Panakes tree and Silveny's old pasture. I carefully walk over, trying my hardest to fix my hair. I squint in the distance and see 2 silver spots on the horizon, growing bigger and bigger until they take the shape of Silveny and Greyfell and land next to me. Sophie and Fitz get off and Luna and Wynn land behind them. 

"Hey, Foster! I see you've gone on another Glitter Butt-Fitzphie adventure without me!" I try and keep my tone light and teasing. 

"Well, I see you look very..." She counters, trailing off. 

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