Chapter 18

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Sophie's POV:

Dazed, I stumble out of the room and grab my clothes, fumbling my home crystal out of the pile. I leap home without even bothering to change and give the swimsuit back to Biana. 

I don't want to go into my room, so I just sit against the Panakes tree and allow the soothing melodies to calm me down. 

But then I remember all the moments I spent here with Fitz, and I immediately start crying. I take a deep breath. 

Fitz? I transmit softly. No reply

Fitz, please. Tears are still rolling down the sides of my face. When he doesn't answer, I close my eyes and let the tears fall. 

Fitz's POV:

I grab the nearest thing I can find--a crystal hairbrush--and throw it across the room as hard as possible. It hits the opposite wall and breaks with a satisfying smash!

Then a stabbing pain hits me, causing me to double over in agony. My brain feels like it's splitting apart. My vision starts to dim.

"Sophie," I whisper. "I'm sorry."

Then I pass out.

Sophie's POV:

My imparter flashes. I ignore it, not wanting to talk to Keefe. Then it flashes again. With a groan, I answer the call.

"Yeah?" I ask, expecting to see a familiar face with messy blond hair. But instead, Biana's head pops up. 

"Sophie... can you come over? It's important." She looks worried.

"Sure. I-I'l be right over..." I hang up and reluctantly go to my room and put on some regular clothes, then grab my leaping crystal.

Within seconds, I arrive outside Everglen's glittering gates (I know, they're not there anymore, but I started this story before I knew that so I want to keep it the same). Biana opens the door for me, wearing a simple grey tunic and black leggings. With no makeup. 

Biana smiles at me, though she looks distracted and worried. "Hey. Thanks for coming."

"No problem," I reply, following her up to the massive crystal mansion.

Biana leads me to a small guest room. Elwin, Della, and Alden are all crowded around the bed. And lying on the bed is... Fitz.

Alden and Elwin give me small smiles, acknowledging my presence. Della is too busy putting a cool cloth on Fitz's forehead. 

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," I ramble. Fitz's limbs start thrashing and he moans softly, causing Elwin to force a sedative down his throat. 

A tear slips down Della's cheek. "I know," she whispers. "Can you help?"

"I-I hope so. I haven't done this in so long though..." I sit down on the edge of the bed. Fitz's beautiful teal eyes are open, but not seeing. I gently take his hand and enter his mind.

Following the trail of warmth, I arrive in the 'nook'. I struggle to remember what happens now.

Panicking slightly, I start transmitting memories. Our first date, the day we met, the day he proposed...

Fitz's mind reacts slightly to this. But he still doesn't wake. 

I pull my mind free, tears rolling down my cheeks again. "It's not working!"

Biana pulls me into a hug. "I know you can do this," she whispers. 

"Yeah," Elwin agrees. "Only the great Sophie Foster can do the impossible." Then Fitz starts moaning again, causing Elwin to take out another sedative. 

The sight nearly makes me break down and start crying my heart out even more, but I force myself to enter Fitz's mind again. 

Then I realize. Inflicting! Quickly, I focus on the happiest emotions. Happiness, peace, The emotions pour out of my mind, spreading warmth and seeming to mend everything.

Please, Fitz, I transmit desperately. I know if this doesn't work, nothing will. 

A heartbreaking moment passes. 

Sophie, Fitz whispers in his mind. I nearly pass out with joy and exhaustion and I pull out of Fitz's mind. His teal eyes focus on me. 

"Thank you," Fitz murmurs. "Also, I'm sorry." He squeezes my hand and I lie down beside him, burying my head in his chest and crying my eyes out. 

"Don't ever do that to do again, OK?" I beg between sobs. Fitz puts his arms around me. 

"Deal." The others quietly back out of the room, giving us space. 

"I love you," I whisper. 

"I love you, too." 

_____5 months later_____

Ring! Ring! My imparter flashes, but I just turn away from the sound and try to fall asleep again. I've just managed to drift back into my dream when it rings again. Ring! Ring! 

I nearly fall out of my bed, my eyes opening so quickly I almost get blinded by the bright sunlight. I fumble for my imparter, barely managing to grab it before I knock it off the nightstand.

"Hello?" I answer the call, blinking blearily at the screen. 

"Hey, Sophie. Nice to see you." Fitz's grinning face appears on the screen, nearly making me fall out of bed again.

"What's up?" I ask, casually trying to fix my hair.

"Oh, nothing. Actually yes. Something," He pauses. "So we've been engaged for almost a year. When should we get married?"

"Um... I'm pretty free every day, considering I don't really have a job and I don't really want one."

Fitz laughs. "Is three months from now OK?" His teal eyes twinkle as he smiles. 

"Make that two." I wink, smiling.

"Alright. Bye!" He grins again, causing my heart to flutter and leap. 

"Bye. Love you!" I blow him a kiss.

"Love you too." 

I catch one more glimpse of his handsome face as me hangs up. The smile on my face has gotten so wide the muscles in my cheek have started hurting.


Yay! Another chapter done! So sorry about that Foster-Keefe (barf!) drama last chapter, but I had to make this story interesting. It was getting a little too boring. Forgive me :(

I hope all this mushy Sophitz stuff makes up for it, anyway. 

Bye! I'm writing as fast as I can! Hang in there! 😘

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