Chapter 16

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I trip and fall into the pool with a big splash, shivering in the ice-cold water. Flailing, I manage to grab the side of the pool, unable to haul myself up. 

"You OK, Foster?" Keefe crouches at the edge of the pool, not wanting to get in yet.


"Don't worry, we'll get him back later." Fitz walks over to us, grinning. He's looking as perfect as ever, of course. His perfect smile nearly makes me lose my grip on the side of the pool and most likely drown.

I blush. "Thanks." Fitz offers me his hand and heaves me out of the water when I take it. Shaking water out of my hair, I glance up to where Biana is about to push Tam off the edge of the 15-meter diving board.

Keefe smirks. "That's our Foster - falling into the water one second and looking like a tomato the next second."

"Oh, don't worry, Smirking Boy. You'll be falling into the water next." I tease.

"Yeah, yeah. Oh, wait! Check out what I managed to get for snacks!" Keefe walks quickly over to the snack table. I hesitate for a second, then grab Fitz's hand and pull him with me.

"I'm not getting pranked by myself." Fitz just laughs and walks obediently next to me. I try my hardest not to stare at his bare chest and abs... Gah! Stop staring! I scold myself, internally slapping my brain.

Luckily, we arrive at the snack table before Fitz can notice.

"Check this out!" We find Keefe at the end of the table, holding something small that seems familiar...

"Dude, does that thing have pointy ears? Is that Bronte?" Fitz asks, squinting at the thing in Keefe's hand.

"Yes and no," Keefe replies, grinning. Suddenly I realize.

"YOU GOT E.L. FUDGES?" I gasp. "How-"

"Oh, just you know, some first-rate borrowing." Keefe shrugs modestly but I can tell he's trying not to smirk. "Your sister definitely didn't give them to me."

"Oh, yeah," Fitz agrees sarcastically. "Totally."

Then we all look up to see Tam falling from the diving board, Biana having pushed him off.

Just when he's about to bellyflop into the water, he closes his eyes and stops himself in mid-air. Grinning, he levitates back up to the diving board, though he doesn't land.

"Cheater," Biana and Linh grumble at the same time.

Fitz smiles mischievously. "Hey, Keefe. Dare or dare?"

"Um. Dare?" Keefe replies, taken off guard.

"I dare you to..." Fitz leans in and whispers the rest in Keefe's ear, with me standing there awkwardly.

A grin spreads across Keefe's face. "Ok, let's go! C'mon, Foster," He adds, grabbing my arm and dragging me up to the diving board, where I nervously climb the steep stairs. Fitz is behind us, ready to catch me if I fall.

"What's happening?" I venture, mostly because my legs are starting to get tired.

"Nothing," Fitz and Keefe answer together.

"Oooooookay then," I reply. I know both boys well enough to tell they're both grinning, though I can't see it.

Finally, we reach the top of the stairs, where the highest diving board is. Tam is still laughing at both Linh and Biana, though he grins wickedly when he sees us.

"Can I push Keefe off?" Tam asks immediately, sweeping his bangs out of his eyes with his hand. "Please?"

"No, Bangs Boy." Keefe rolls his eyes with a smirk. "I'll be the only one doing any pushing today."

"Oh, yeah?" Biana counters. "What about this?" Then she vanishes. Keefe nervously stands there, backing away from the edge.

"You going to push or no-" Keefe starts. Then Biana re-appears and shoves him, hard, towards the edge of the diving board. He teeters there for a second, then loses his balance and falls towards the water, flailing his arms.

"Ha!" Biana and Tam shout down at him at the same time, then look at each other and laugh.

With a massive splash, Keefe hits the water. And bellyflops. He resurfaces with a gasp. "I'll get you for that, Bangs Boy!"

Tam merely laughs.

Keefe swims to the edge of the pool and hauls himself out, then sprints back up the stairs as fast as possible without slipping.

He lunges at Tam and Biana, but they jump out of the way. So instead, Keefe ends up shoving.... me.

I yelp, trying hard to regain my balance. Fitz grabs for me but misses, so I stumble off the edge and fall towards the water.

Panicking, I try to right my body so it won't hurt as much when I land. But then energy starts to hum in the back of my mind, and instinctively I push it out. With a loud clap of thunder, I split the sky and fall into the void.

My first thought: Whoops.

My second thought: How do I get out of here?

My third thought: Oh, wait. I know!

Laugh all you want, but don't blame me for the second thought. I haven't teleported in such a long time, I momentarily forgot how to.

With all my might, I visualize the diving board with all my friends on it, and I split the sky again and tumble back onto the diving board.

"Ow," I mumble, accepting Fitz's hand and letting him haul me to my feet.

Keefe lets out a fake sigh. "I was kind of expecting that."

"You knew Sophie was going to teleport?" Linh asks.

"Well, not really. But it's not really a surprise that Foster refuses to do anything the normal way." Keefe winks one of his ice-blue eyes.

"Yeah... I think Keefe and I are agreeing on something for once," Tam adds.

"Oh, shut up, you two," I complain.

Keefe and Tam smirk.

"Never!" Keefe exclaims. "C'mon, let's go back down. I'm low-key kinda hungry."

Biana grins. "OK." And pushes Keefe off the diving board. Again.

Hi people! Welcome back!

I'm really sorry it took so long to update. No, seriously! I have like a gazillion tests to do and it's getting hard to come up with new ideas.

Also, sorry for the lame chapter title. I know, it's stupid. But as I said, it's getting harder to come up with ideas. You guys (and girls) are welcome to suggest some, though.

On that note, here's something positive. WE'RE ALMOST AT 30 VOTES! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! (Also 3.5k reads XD)

I would spam more YAYAYAYAY's here, but I remembered you awesome humans and decided not to. You're welcome 😏

Anyway, sorry for ranting.


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