Chapter 10

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Sophie's POV:

Sunday, 5:55 PM

Fidgeting, I nervously wait for Fitz to arrive at Havenfield. He's supposed to come at 6, to pick me up for our first date. I don't even know where we're going, though that might be better. I'm wearing a fitted red dress with delicate gold embroidery and the teal heart Fitz gave me a couple years ago. It's way flashier than I like, but Edaline made me wear it. Just like she made me tell her EVERYTHING that happened at Everglen. Including my night-time walk. 

Grady and Edaline are supposed to be cleaning Verdi right now, but they're probably spying on me from the shadows.

I glance up, hoping to see a handsome boy with amazing teal eyes leap in front of me. But Fitz still isn't here, and it's 6:01. I decide to reach out to him telepathically.

Fitz? No response. 

Fitz! FITZ! I have to try a few more times before I get a response.

Sophie? His deep, accented voice fills my head, and I let out a sigh or relief. What's wrong?

Nothing. Just wanted to know where you are.

Right in front of you! 

My eyes fly open, and sure enough, there he is. His smile is as perfect as ever, and he's wearing a black and silver tux that makes him look 10 times more handsome as usual.

Fitz clears his throat. "You look... amazing." The compliment makes my heart melt.

"So do you. Where are we going?" He gives me another of his perfect smiles.

"You'll see." He offers me his hand. I take it, and he raises a pathfinder to the light and we leap away.


"We're going to Atlantis?" I shout over the raging wind as we navigate our way through the slippery, jagged black rocks. 

"Yup!" Fitz shouts back, smashing a glass bottle containing a whirlpool onto the rocks. He pulls me forward, into the center before I can protest.


We arrive at a fancy looking restaurant called Moonlight. Fitz gently leads me inside, revealing a massive room lit by candle-light, with thousands of flowers and at least 50 different couples eating together. The scene is so romantic, I almost feel out of place.

"Whoa," I breathe, squeezing Fitz's hand gently. He looks at me and smiles, putting his arm around my shoulders. I lean into him.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" He asks, and I agree. A waitress comes by and leads us to our table, both of us sinking into comfy chairs across from each other. We order food quickly. Fitz leans across the table, eyes shining like when he first asked me out. He takes both my hands and I scoot my chair closer to him. Our faces are only an inch apart.

"Do you like it?" He whispers. He smells good. And looks amazing.

"I love it," I reply, leaning in a tiny bit closer. My heart is beating very quickly, as we close our eyes to kiss again. But before our lips meet, I hear a voice.

"Fitz?" A girl's voice asks from somewhere near us. I lean back in my chair and look up at a beautiful girl with shiny black hair that is slightly longer than her shoulders and midnight-blue eyes. I inhale a sharp breath. Could this be... Fitz's girlfriend?

"Kaitlyn? What are you doing here?" Fitz stands up and embraces her. A twinge of jealousy nearly rips my heart apart. She really is dazzling.

"I've missed you so much!" Kaitlyn replies, grinning. They chat for a while. Anger slowly clouds my vision, and I have to fight not to inflict it. Then Fitz notices me.

"Oh, Sophie, I'm so sorry! This is my cousin, Kaitlyn." He introduces her and I let out a sigh of relief. She's not his girlfriend, after all.

"Hi," Kaitlyn smiles at me, and I realize that her smile is very similar to Fitz's, movie star and all. "Your eyes are so pretty!"

"Thanks!" I reply shyly, looking around. Then I spot a cute guy with tousled brown hair and sky blue eyes sitting by himself, watching us. That must be her boyfriend! I realize. He notices me watching and grins. "Yours are really cool, too! It's kind of like a night sky." And it is. Especially when she smiles, then it seems like there are stars twinkling in her eyes.

"Well, I should probably get back to Torren," she says, breaking the awkward silence that descended.

"Well, nice seeing you!" Fitz gives her one last hug before she walks back to the guy who was looking at us before. Fitz sits down again and grins, making my heart flutter like crazy. 

"I got you another present." He whispers, leaning across the table again and taking something out from his pocket. "Well, actually two." He hands me a medium-sized box, wrapped in teal wrapping paper.

"You know, you don't have to keep doing this," I remind him.

"Yes, I do. Making you happy is my favourite thing in the world." No matter how cheesy his words are, it still makes me melt inside. 

With shaking hands, I tear apart the wrapping paper and slowly open the box, revealing a tiny silver and teal heart. 

"It's a charm," Fitz explains. "Because I never want to forget this day. I hope you like it." His eyes are full of hope and kindness. My reply is leaning across the table and pressing my lips to his. Fitz closes his eyes and cups my cheek with one hand. 

I pull away for air, looking into Fitz's amazing eyes that are shining in the candlelight. Right there I know I made the right choice by choosing Fitz. 

Fitz flashes his movie-ready smile and leans back in his chair, stretching and saying, "I'm really lucky to have you." 

"You really are," I tease back, and he puts an expression of mock offense on his face before reaching across the table to take one of my hands. I glance over to where Kaitlyn and Torren are sitting, and Kaitlyn notices me and winks one of her dark blue eyes. I roll my own and turn back to Fitz.

"So... how do you feel about Keefe?" I ask. He winces and touches his left temple before he replies.

"Well, he's back to himself know, and I think we're back to being best friends," he says carefully, avoiding my question. 

"And?" I prompt.

Fitz sighs. "I guess I forgive him. Dunno if I forgive the waitress for taking so long with food, though."

"Excuse me?" Our server steps into view, carrying a massive tray of food. 

"He didn't mean-" I try, but she cuts me off with a giggle.

"It's OK. I was just joking." She places the food on our table with a smile. Her name tag says Daisha. "Enjoy, lovebirds!" Daisha prances away, still giggling.

I'm speechless. So is Fitz.

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now