Chapter 5

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Keefe's Point of View:

Wonderboy. Golden boy.  All these thoughts stream through my head as I bring back my fist to hit Fitz again. His nose is already bleeding. I can tell this isn't fair, but I'm not really thinking. All I can see is red.

"Stop!" Fitz shouts, lifting an arm in front of his face in a useless attempt to protect himself. The stupid idiot isn't even fighting back. The only reply I give is a sneer. I spin on my heel and slam my foot into his stomach as hard as possible, knocking the wind out of my former best friend. He slumps against the wall, wheezing. 

Clenching my jaw, I stalk closer. I draw back my fist and try to hit him again, but a massive wave of anger and anxiety hits me. That could only mean one thing... Foster. 

I drop my first to my side and whirl around, anger ebbing away. And sure enough, she's standing in the doorway, taking in the scene with wide eyes. Biana skids to a halt next to her and the others are running up. 

"What are you doing?" Biana screams, charging at me.  Too surprised to react, I just stand there with my mouth slightly open, preparing for a blow to the face. But Biana seems to hit an invisible wall. Because behind her is Sophie, using telekinesis to stop us from fighting. Linh's crouched next to Fitz on the ground, gathering moisture from the air to try and stop the blood. Marella and Dex are standing uncertainly in the doorway, and Tam jogs over and wraps an arm around Linh, supporting her. I wish I had a sibling. Maybe my life would be better. But then again, maybe not. They'd have to endure the torture of my family, too.

"Please," Sophie begs me. "Stop." My knuckles are red with Fitz's blood. Then all the exhaustion comes rushing in, and I collapse to the floor and faint.

Sophie's point of view:

"Will Keefe be OK?" Are the first words that come out of my mouth when Elwin comes rushing into Everglen. I don't know why I'm feeling bad for him after he just beat up Fitz. Biana, Tam and the others are with Alden and Della, re-telling the story.

"Physically, yes. Emotionally, I'm not so sure," He replies, putting on his giant spectacles. he snaps his fingers and flashes a green orb around Keefe's head. "It looks like he's just emotionally exhausted."

"Will his mind..."

"Break? Hopefully not. He's a strong boy." He reassures me. Then he starts treating Fitz, who looks OK. "Can you help me get Fitz to drink this?"

"Sure," I reply shakily, walking over to where Fitz is lying motionless. I gently take his lips and open them. Then I get a sudden flashback of when Fitz did the same for me when Dex and I came back from being captured. Elwin pours some blue liquid down his throat. "What'd you give him?"

"Oh, just something to wake him up." And sure enough, Fitz's vibrant teal eyes fly open a second later.

"Wh-what happened?" Fitz stammers. "All I remember is the fight with Keefe..." He touches the side of his head and winces. Seeing the damage Keefe did brings tears to my eyes. I can feel one drip down the side of my cheek and down my chin. "Hey, it's not your fault!" Fitz struggles to sit up.

"Where am I?" Keefe groans from the other side of the room. His normally styled hair hangs limp against his head, and he does nothing to change it. Then he spots Fitz struggling to sit up.

"Oh, God..." Keefe blinks hard. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what I did. If you never forgive me, I don't blame you." He looks up, and his eyes are wet with tears. If I was an Empath like him, I bet I could feel the sorrow, embarrassment, and guilt radiating off of him from the Forbidden Cities.

Fitz opens and closes his mouth, unsure of what to say. 

"Oh, I know! Wait here!" I command, leaving the 2 boys and Elwin standing in the room confused. I dash back upstairs to Keefe's sleeping bag and grab Mrs. Stinkbottom and Mr. Snuggles, knowing it'll cheer up both Fitz and Keefe. I scribble a hasty note and tape it to the green gulon.

"Here you go!" I toss Mrs. Stinkbottom to Keefe when I get back to the room. He catches her and reads the note: Team Foster-Keefe for life! I may have just accidentally just shipped myself with him, but it's worth it. An uncharacteristically sad smile curls his lips. 

"What about me?" Fitz says with a teasing smile. He looks like his old self already. Smiling, I purposefully toss Mr. Snuggles in his face. 

"Wow, you guys still have those?" Elwin asks with a massive smile, earning a matching one from Fitz. But Keefe stays silent, cradling Mrs. Stinkbottom against his chest. We're all silent for a minute before Keefe breaks the silence.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" 


Biana's point of view:

We just finished telling the story to Mom and Dad. They don't look mad, just thoughtful. But I'm ready to rip Keefe into pieces. Why the actual hell did he punch my brother? Sure, he was angry Sophie likes Fitz. But that doesn't mean he could beat Fitz up for that! And my brother didn't even fight back! He's so freaking stupid. But here's the thing: Keefe likes Sophie, and she doesn't like him back.. And I'm glad. Because I don't think I can stand watching him hurt Sophie more. 

Then Sophie and Fitz walk in, with Keefe nervously trailing behind. The boys are both holding their stuffed animals. His hair is completely unstyled, which surprises me so much I almost forget I'm supposed to be mad at him.

"Um... Elwin left," Sophie says, breaking the silence that fell. 

"Hey, it's Mrs. Stinkbutt! And Mr. Cuddles!" Tam smirks, pointing at the sparkly animals. Marella snickers and Dex grins.

"Mrs. Stinkbottom and Mr. Snuggles," Sophie corrects, smiling. Then Keefe coughs and we all look at him.

Keefe takes a deep breath. "Guys, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt Fitz like that, I wasn't thinking."

"No kidding," I mutter. Fitz glares at me, so I shut up.

"I understand if you guys won't forgive me. I guess I deserve it." He hangs his head, looking so sad and guilty I half-forgive him right there. "I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to repay you guys. Just name it, and I'll do it." Some of the old determination is back in Keefe's eyes.

"I know!" Marella's ice-blue eyes are sparkling. "How about a favour?"

"A favour???" Keefe winces. 

Marella smirks. "Yup. From ALL of us."

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