Chapter 17

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Keefe's POV:

"Hey Foster, can I talk to you for a sec?" I walk up to her and Fitz, forcing a smile on my face. Though what I want to talk about isn't really something to joke about.

"Sure, be right back!" Sophie gives Fitz a quick kiss then follows me into the house. Every time my traitorous mind replays the kiss that Sophie just gave Fitz, I can almost feel my heart tear a little. 

I lead Sophie into a mostly empty room and gently shut the crystal door. 

"Yes...?" Waves of anticipation and nervousness fill the air, and I can't help but laugh, fanning the air in front of me.

"Seriously, Foster, it's really not that bad."

"I'll decide that," she replies. 

"Jeez. Someone's a little bossy today," I joke, smiling.


"Alright, alright!" I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out.

"C'mon, stop stalling already," Sophie says in a light, teasing tone. 

I feel my smile widen. "OK, fine. I'll get to the point then." I take a deep breath. "Sophie, I... like you. I have ever since I met you in that ditching corridor. But I could tell you liked Fitz. And that just broke my heart. I'm sorry, I didn't want to ruin your relationship with Fitz. But I couldn't keep this a secret anymore."

Sophie stares blankly at me, making me wonder if she even heard me. "What?" She finally whispers. Her emotions are such a heartbreaking mix of confusion, surprise and hurt, but is that a little bit of happiness I feel coming from her? 

"I know, I'm sorry." I stare at my feet and bite my lip.

"Keefe, I don't know what to say to that," Sophie murmurs, still talking quietly. I glance up at her beautiful brown eyes, my gaze straying to her perfect lips. The desire to kiss her build up inside me until I can't stand it anymore. 

I take a cautious step forward, and when she doesn't flinch, I gently wrap my arms around her waist and press my lips to hers. 

Sophie gasps softly, frozen in place. I breathe in her flowery scent - is that Panakes perfume? - and move my right hand up to her long, silky hair. Closing my eyes, I deepen the kiss until my whole body is tingling with excitement.

Then she pulls away abruptly. "Oh, God... Keefe, what did we just do?" 

"I- don't know," I stammer, the reality of our situation crashing in. I stumble out of the room; my brain numb. 

Sophie's POV

I'm still standing in the room. Unable to move, my brain replaying the kiss. I don't want to admit it... but that kiss actually felt really good. 

"Keefe. Is. Just. A. Friend." I mutter to myself, needing to say it out loud to actually believe it. 

"Glad to know." A familiar, accented, voice fills the now empty room, and I whirl around to find a handsome figure leaning casually against the wall, though his clenched jaw betrays his rage. My heart skips a beat.

"Fitz... I can explain!" I try, but he cuts me off.

"No. I don't want to hear it." Fitz's voice is shaking with anger. He straightens up and stalks towards me, stopping a few steps away. "I came because I wanted to know if you were alright. I came because you didn't come 'right back'. I didn't come to see my fiancée kissing my best friend."

Fitz's signature teal eyes are glowing with a mixture of hurt and anger, which nearly rips my heart apart. 

"I know you're angry-" I say quietly, only to be cut off again. 

"YOU THINK? OBVIOUSLY, I'M ANGRY!" He yells, clenching his fists. He takes a deep breath, but now it's my turn to interrupt him.

"I was going to say: I understand. So go ahead, punch things. Kick things. Do whatever you want to do, because I'm not going to stop you."

Fitz must've been shocked, because he doesn't say anything for a moment. Then he laughs bitterly. "Oh, I need your permission, now? I mean, I know you're the moonlark, but I didn't realize you had total control of everyone." 

I flinch. The sarcasm dripping off his words is enough to make anyone cry, but I manage to hold back my tears. 

"Fitz, please," I beg, reaching for his hand. But he yanks it away. 

"I trusted you, Sophie." The anger is gone from his face, replaced by heart-breaking sadness. "I trusted you to make the right decisions. But I get it now. I'm not good enough for you, so you pick Keefe. I'm sorry."

Fitz turns and walks slowly away. I swear I hear him mumble, "It's all my fault. How could I let this happen?"

Sooooooo... sorry for the short chapter and the terrible writing. I'm sorry, Sophitz shippers! I had to add some drama at some point. But I promise, this is (and always will be) a Sophitz story. 

Again, story ideas are ALWAYS welcome! I could actually use some help.

Anyway. Bye! See you...never, I guess. But bye anyway!

Actually, I'm back. Could you tell how sleep-deprived I am? I actually feel kinda bad for Shannon Messenger. But ONLY KINDA BAD, CONSIDERING HOW MUCH SHE TORTURES US WITH HER ENDINGS!!!!!

Wait. What was I saying again? This is awkward. 

So I'm just gonna go. Bye!

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