Chapter 9

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Round 1 of the tournament:

Round 1 of the tournament:

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Sophie's POV:

Biana and I go first. Fitz and Keefe drag up a small table and a couple of chairs for our "friendly" competition. We sit down on either side of the table and I flash my most confident grin, which somewhat feels like a smirk. Oh jeez, I think Keefe is rubbing off on me. Biana and I lock hands and she grins at me.

"Ready?" Keefe asks. When we both nod, he shouts, "On, your mark, get set, go!"

"This isn't a race," Dex reminds him, though I'm only half-listening. OK, scratch that. I'm not listening at all. I grit my teeth and try to push Biana's arm down, though I'm having no luck. Another minute passes by, and we've still made no progress.

"Can you guys please hurry up?" Tam asks. Linh shushes him.

"Oh, I've got this," Fitz replies. I'm starting to worry about what that means when he silently creeps behind his sister and starts to tickle her. Biana squeals and I force her arm down so it's lying flat on the table, palm up. I let go of her hand and jump up, pumping my fist in the air.

"Yes!" I shout, grinning like crazy.

"Fitz, what the heck?" Biana demands though she's clearly trying not to laugh. Fitz smiles his movie-worthy smile and high fives Keefe.

"Alright, our turn!" Linh drags her brother towards the table and pushes him into a seat, sitting down in the one across from him. The twins lock hands, looking even more similar with their black hair and silver streaks, silvery-blue eyes with determination in them.

"3, 2, 1 go!" Marella counts down this time. This arm-wrestling match barely lasts for 15 seconds, due to the fact Linh flicks her left wrist, creating a small wave of water that smashes into Tam's face. She then easily presses the back of her brother's hand against the wooden table.

"What just happened?" Tam asks, glaring at his sister. She giggles.

"You never said no abilities!" 

Linh winks.

Tam scowls.

Keefe smirks.

"Alright, Fitzy. Our turn!" Keefe rubs his hands together and sits in Linh's recently vacated seat, Fitz doing the same to Tam's. 

"No abilities, alright?" Fitz suggests. 

"Sure... though not really sure what an Empath would do, though." And with that, Fitz and Keefe lock hands.

"You know what? Just start already," Dex grins, flashing his dimples. Fitz's muscles flex as he casually pins Keefe's hand to the table. I check the clock. 7 seconds have passed since they started. Keefe's face is bright red.

"Let's pretend that never happened." He gets up from his chair.

"Dude, that was the best present ever!" Tam shouts, getting over his embarrassing loss.

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