Chapter 11

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Hi guys, sorry it took so long to update! I was originally going to wait until 1000 reads to post this, but apparently that's not happening :)

Here's the chapter y'all have been waiting for :D

Sophie's POV:

"We need to talk," Grady sits down on the edge of the bed with a glare close to the one he always gives Keefe. Fitz just dropped me off at home 30 minutes ago. Our date was amazing, with a romantic dinner and a nice night-time walk around Atlantis. We may have kissed a couple of times... but that's not important. 

I sigh. "About what?" Though I already know the answer.

Grady raises an eyebrow. "Boys." As hard as I try to find a new meaning for the word, my Polyglot ability only translates that word to 


"Ugh, not again!" I lift up my pillow and attempt to hide under it. Grady tugs it out of my grasp and waits for me to turn and face him.

"OK, how about this? I'll try and not make this embarrassing if you promise to listen." Knowing I have no choice, I agree and flop back down on my bed like a starfish. 

"I thought you liked Fitz," I groan. 

"No, you like Fitz," Grady corrects with a smile, his glare softening. "But I know what you mean. Yes, I think Fitz is a good choice. I think he'll be good for you."

"UGH, WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS THEN??"  I hug Ella as close to my chest as possible, as if I can hide behind the tiny, bright blue elephant.

"So I'm assuming you're not having a Winnowing Gala, then?" Edaline asks from the doorway, looking slightly disappointed.

"Yeah, I guess." I bit my lip. "Are we done?"

Grady gets up from the bed and kisses my forehead. "I'm glad you didn't pick the Sencen boy, anyway. But your mom and I trust you, alright? You make the decisions, just please tell us if something...big happens. And please don't get married before you're at least 20. Actually, 20's still a little young. But again, we trust you to make the right decision." And with that, Grady winks and walks out the doorway. "Goodnight, kiddo."

Edaline waits for a couple of seconds before saying, "I want you to tell me who you get on your matchmaking lists, though."

I sigh. Why do I have such over-protective parents? "I'm not getting my lists until I graduate."

"Oh, OK!" She looks surprised for a second, then adds, "Goodnight, Sophie." Edaline kisses my cheek and smiles sadly, leaving the room.

Fitz?  I call when she's gone. 

To my surprise, he answers immediately. Hi, Sophie!

Did your parents have with you?

He mentally groans. Yup. It was horrific. I giggle, then hesitate before saying,

Meet me at Calla's Panakes tree next Sunday, at 3 PM. Dress comfortably!

I can almost hear the smile in his voice when he replies. Can't wait!


Fitz's POV:

I'm up all night replaying our first date. Her smile, her eyes, the feel of her lips against mine... Best night ever. I close my eyes and drift off, dreaming of Sophie. When I wake up, I'm still smiling.


Next week, 2:45 PM

I finally caved in and told Biana everything so she could help me get ready. Plus, she kind of already knew from me leaving in a tuxedo last week. 

Biana forced me into her washroom and did some weird stuff to my hair. When she finished, it was all neatly combed back. Plus, it was shiny and actually good looking. There's a first time for everything. Then, Biana tossed me a dark red jerkin for me to change into, and herded me to the leapmaster when I finished. Jeez, this girl is bossy.

I arrive 5 minutes early, so I sit down with my back to the braided trunk and wait. 

"Hey," Sophie's voice greets. I look up and nearly stop breathing right there. If possible, she looks even more beautiful than last week. Sophie's silky, golden hair is done in an intricate braid, and she's wearing a dazzling white and gold tunic with a golden sash. She looks like some sort of Greek goddess, complete with all the amazing looks. "Are you ready?"

I smile at her, and reply, "Ready as I'll ever be." She offers me her hand, and take it. I stand up. "So... what are we doing?"

Sophie smiles her amazing smile. "You'll see." She gives my hand a gentle squeeze and closes her eyes. She stays like that for a couple of seconds, and my curiosity takes over. I enter her mind, hoping that it doesn't make me a terrible boyfriend.

SOPHIE! FITZ! FRIEND! FLY! Silveny's voice blasts into my head, along with a surge of joy and excitement. 

Wait, what about Greyfell and the babies? Sophie transmits back, clearly worried.

BABY OKAY! BABY OKAY! An image of a lush, green meadow floats into my head. FRIEND! VISIT! And with that, a clap of thunder booms, and a sparkly winged horse lands in front of us. I quickly leave Sophie's mind.

SOPHIE! FITZ! HI! Silveny's voice fills my head, and I pretend to be surprised.

"Wow," I breathe, gazing into Sophie's warm brown eyes. "You brought Silveny here?"

"Yeah. I hope you like it!" Her eyes are filled with hope.

"It's awesome!" Sophie beams and leans into my side.  "So you have Elwin on standby, the Councillors on standby AND the world's most valuable creatures on standby?" 

She slaps my arm gently. "Shut up!" I almost forget about Silveny but she transmits to us a second later.

SOPHIE! FITZ! SOPHITZ! SOPHITZ! SOPHITZ!  She chants with a surge of joy. Then Silveny makes a sound that can only be described as an Alicorn-ish giggle. FLY! FLY! FLY! She whinnies, then crouches down to let us onto her back. SOPHITZ! FLY! FLY! FLY! 

Alright, enough with the Sophitz! Sophie replies with a giggle, leading me onto Silveny's back. I sit behind her, so I wrap my arms around her waist. Silveny flaps her powerful wings and takes off into the sky, flying in tight circles. Sophie and I nearly fall off about 20 times, but each time Silveny tips up back onto her back with her wing just in time.

TRUST! Silveny assures us, then does a flip just to prove it. Then she plunges us into the void with an ear-splitting crack of thunder. 

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now