Chapter 15

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Sophie's POV:

Sandor picks up immediately, his grey face appearing on the screen. "Miss Foster? Is there something wrong?" His squeaky voice is so familiar.

His eyes dart around, as if he's checking for threats. 

"Nope. Just wanted to check on you," I reply. I can't express how happy I am to hear his squeaky voice again. 

Sandor smiles. "I'm doing fine, but thanks." Grizel elbows Sandor out of the way and grins at me. 

"Hey there, Sophie! How's it going?" 

"Really good, actually," I admit, smiling back. 

"Oh, and guess what?" Grizel waves her hand in front of the screen. I squint at it, but there doesn't really seem to be a difference. 

Twin squeals ring out behind me. 

"Wow! Congratulations!" Biana and Linh squeal at the same time. Then I notice it. A band of black iron is wrapped around Grizel's pinky finger. A ring. And I start fidgeting with my own, wondering how it's so easy for Sandor and Grizel. 

"Congrats!" Dex chimes in, Tam echoing his statement moments later.

 "You want me to change the 'Ballad of Bo and Ro' to the 'Ballad of Gigantor and Grizel?'" Keefe asks, tousling his blond hair. He flashes his signature smirk. "No, wait. 'The Ballad of Gigantor and Gigantorette' sounds better, doesn't it?"

"Gigantorette...?" Fitz questions. 

"Yup!" Keefe replies cheerfully, winking.

I sigh. "Anyways, have a nice life!" 

"Together," Fitz adds, flashing his movie-star smile. 

Grizel smiles widely. "Thanks, you guys!" Then the screen goes blank. 

___8 months later...___

"Sophie!" Edaline sings from downstairs. "You have a letter!" I groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes. 

"Who's it from?" I call back, still sleepy. 

"Keefe Sencen," Grady grumbles back. Instantly I'm awake.

"Wh-what?" I stumble downstairs, my hair the messiest it's ever been. I'm still in my pajamas, causing Grady to chuckle. Edaline simply smiles and gives me the envelope. 

I rip open the envelope and take out the paper, getting a flash of dejá vu from when we got our match lists. The invitation says:

Hey there! You're invited to Keefe's swim party! Yeah, dear ol' dad has gone to the waves of wimpiness again, so it's just us! Well, us and like a hundred other people, so... 

Anyway, the party's on June 27th, 11 AM to whenever you like. See you there!

June 27th... that's TODAY! I dash up the stairs to my room and quickly toss on a loose white tunic with leggings, brushing some smoky purple powder across my eyelids as well as some lip gloss. Biana would've been proud. I tie my hair back into a loose bun and step in front of the mirror, causing Vertina to activate.

"Why are you dressed up AGAIN?" She demands, crossing her tiny arms. "Every time you step look at your reflection, you always are dressed up."

I shrug, turning around to check my hair. "I'm just going to a party."

"I see. Well, I-" Annoyed, I step out of range so Vertina disappears, checking the clock. It's 11:07! And I run up the stairs to the leapmaster, managing not to trip. 

"Bye, mom! Bye, dad!" I call over my shoulder as I reach the 4th floor. Grady calls something back, but I shout "Candleshade" and step into the light before processing his words. 

I arrive at the massive, glittering skyscraper that Keefe and his dad live in. Looking back at it, I realize Grady probably shouted, "Did you bring your swimming stuff?" 

Oops. I shrug and open the gates, walking into the foyer at 11:15. Keefe greets me with a smirk. 

"Well, Miss. F., you can't be on time, can you?" Keefe's wearing blue swim shorts. His normally mussed hair is even messier than normal, which somehow makes him look cuter.

"Apparently not," I shrug, smiling.

"Yeah, true," He steers me behind the massive mansion, to a place I haven't been before. I gasp as a huge outdoor pool comes into view, complete with diving boards and a hot tub. "The Fitzter's waiting for you over there." Keefe points out Fitz, who's standing by the food table chatting with someone. 

The doorbell rings. "Oop, got to go!" Keefe runs off, leaving me alone. Without a swimsuit. 

"Boo!" I scream as Biana appears out of thin air in front of me, grinning. "Scared?" 

"Uh, yeah." I try my best to scowl at Biana, who simply laughs. 

"Your face!" She manages between giggles. "Hey, where's your stuff?"

"Um. At home?" I admit. "I kinda forgot it was a swimming party." 

"Well, lucky you! 'Cause I brought an extra!" Biana dashes off and returns a second later, holding a cute red two-piece swimsuit that's a little... revealing. 

"You are kidding me? I can't wear that!" I complain, but still grab the swimsuit. "Thanks, I guess."

Biana winks. "No prob!" Then she sprints over to where Tam and Linh are standing at the edge of the pool, vanishing halfway there. Suddenly, an invisible force seems to push them both into the water, Tam flailing until he falls into the pool with a big splash.

Biana re-appears at where Tam was just standing, grinning from ear-to-ear. 

"Seriously?" Tam complains, shaking his wet bangs out of his face. Linh resurfaces with a mischevious glint in her eyes. 

"Oh, it is so on!" She flicks her wrist and a massive wave of water comes out of nowhere, drenching Biana. Tam, realizing what his sister is doing, joins in and uses telekineses to pull Biana into the water with them. 

I smile, then turn and head towards the building to change. But I have to find the washrooms first. 


I finally run back out into the sunlight after taking forever trying to find the washrooms. I left the clothes in there, so let's hope I remember where they are. 

I check the clock. 11:55 PM. Oops! I hope Fitz hasn't gotten impatient by waiting too long, so I head over to the refreshments where I last saw him. I glance over at the pool and over at the 15-meter diving board, where Biana and Linh are trying to force Tam to jump off. 

And of course, I bump into a very solid chest and lose my balance.

Hey guys! Sorry for posting so late, but school is REALLY annoying. I've got a couple of tests on Monday, so...

Anyway, I'll try not to post so late again. Also, I wanted to tell you guys that you can STILL comment on my last chapter (A.N.) and I'll try to put add it to the story.

See y'all later

The Moon and the Stars - A Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now