Chapter 20

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Before I start this story: Please know that I don't really know how a wedding goes, especially one that's in the Elvin world. Yes, I've been to a few, but that was a long time ago. So if I get some details wrong, please don't get mad at me 🥺


Fitz's POV:

As I watch Sophie walk down the aisle, her arm linked with Grady's, time seems to slow down. I can feel a smile spreading on my face as I take in how beautiful she looks. 

Her long blond hair seems to glint in the sunlight. Those full, red lips form the most amazing smile in the world. And those eyes... well, I can't imagine her without them. 

Sophie's dress and shoes fit her perfectly, drawing out the details and curves of her body. A long silver cape flows behind her.

Then she trips over her heels with a small yelp. Grady steadies her quickly, trying to squash a smile. I can almost see Keefe's smirk, though I resist the urge to look at him. 

All I can think of at that moment is how lucky I am to have found her that day in the museum. 

Biana's POV:

I almost threw my heel at Keefe when Sophie tripped. I'm 100% sure he was smirking, but at the last second I realized it was probably bad manners to throw a shoe at someone.

I nearly start bouncing up and down when Sophie takes her place between me and my brother. I must say, I really did a good job on the makeup. Not too much, but it really draws out the best features on her face. Also, her hair looks so amazing. Though I'm not really doing that good of a job on being modest, though. 

The wedding officiator (is that the right word?) clears his throat and steps forward. Meanwhile, Sophie and my brother are too busy staring into each other's eyes to notice. I roll my eyes internally and cough to get their attention. 

"This day is a special day. A day like no other, where two souls will be forever united," the officiator intones in a slow voice. I tune him out and glance around the room instead, my eyes meeting Tam's silvery-blue ones. He shoots me beautiful, lopsided smile and a discreet thumbs-up.

I smile and turn away, re-focusing on the ceremony.

Sophie's POV:

Fitz takes both of my hands and smiles while the moderator turns to him. 

"Do you, Fitzroy Vacker take Sophie Foster as your lawfully wedded wife?" (I'm pretty sure that's what he says...)

"Yes. I do," Fitz replies, causing my heart to flutter madly. A silly smile spreads across my face. 

"Do you, Sophie Foster accept Fitzroy Vacker as your husband for life?" 

"Yes," I squeak, overwhelmed with emotions. I clear my throat and try again. "I do." 

"Then I declare you husband and wife!" The man says. My heart nearly floats out of my body. "You may kiss the bride," He adds to Fitz a moment later. 

Fitz grins, then leans down to plant a gentle kiss on my lips. But it's not enough, so I throw my arms around his neck and pull him in for a much longer, much more heated kiss. 

"I love you," I whisper as we pull away for air. 

"Love you, too," He replies, almost immediately. 


Fitz and I are standing at the refreshment table, still holding hands. My free hand holds a glass of fizzleberry wine, though I haven't drunk from it yet. We're still accepting congratulations from our many guests. 

"Hey, Foster!" Keefe walks up to us, followed by Biana, and Dex. They all look amazing in their dresses/suits, especially because they all have massive smiles on their faces. 

"Foster...?" Biana asks. "Shouldn't it be Vacker now?" She shoots me a grin. I blush and look down, trying to hide my smile. 

"Nah. Doesn't have the same ring to it," Keefe replies, smirking. "Oh, by the way, before I forget, congrats on making Fitzphie happen!" Keefe's smile really seems genuine, though his eyes are mischievous. 

"Thanks, dude." Fitz and Keefe fist bump, causing Dex to snort-laugh and quickly cough to try to cover it up. 

"We're officially sisters now!" Biana squeals, bounding forwards to give me a hug. I laugh and hug her back, silently wondering how she moves so fast in those massive heels. 

I pull away and smile. "Yeah, thanks, guys." 

"Wait-watch this." Dex fishes something out of his pocket and tosses what looks like glitter into the air. But then the glitter explodes, forming words: Dex is the best :)

"Whoops - wrong one!" Though his wicked grin seems to say otherwise. He reaches into his other pocket, and this time it forms a different set of words:#Sophitz4Life

Keefe laughs. "We seem to predict the future with ships, don't we?"

"Totally," Biana agrees. 

"Miss Fost-Vacker," A deep voice speaks out behind me, and I whirl around. "May we speak to you in private?" Councillor Emery is walking towards is, with the other 11 Councillors half a step behind him.

I grip Fitz hand more tightly as Keefe, Biana and Dex silently leave. "You speak to both of us, or not at all." 

Emery sighs. "Fine. And we'll get right to the point. Mr. Vacker, we would like you to become an Emissary. Someone has stepped down, therefore leaving an open spot."

"Who?" Fitz asks.

"It doesn't matter," Bronte interrupts. "What matters is your decision." 

Fitz seems to think about this for a couple of seconds, looking troubled. 

Whatever you choose, I'll support you. Fitz gives me a grateful smile, and I give his hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"All right. I'll do it." Fitz finally says. 

"Excellent. Now, Miss Vacker. First of all, we would like you to know that you do not have to make your decision immediately. You will have 3 days to think it over," Emery says. 

"Ok... what is it?" I ask apprehensively. 

"Well... as I am stepping down from my position as Councillor," he pauses, taking a heavy breath. "I need a replacement. And normally, we would do an election, but all of us have agreed on this. So we would like you to take my place."


Hi guys! Hope you're all well at home. Stay safe everyone, it's getting pretty scary out there.

So I hope you liked this chapter! It'll probably be the second last one. Please continue being awesome and commenting on things that I need to improve or rewrite. I really appreciate it :D

Bye! Love you guys!

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