Chapter 3

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Sophie's Point of View:

"It's getting kind of late-" Della stops when she notices Stina/Fitz, Fitz/Keefe and Dex/Mr.Forkle. By the time she realizes who we are, the rest of us are laughing. "You look wonderful, Sophie," She manages through her confusion. 

"Oh yeah! I'll show you guys to our sleeping room. Though I'm not so sure about sleeping in the same room as Stina and Mr. Forkle, no matter who you guys really are." Biana's eyeing the boys like they're contagious or something.

"Don't worry, we'll be ourselves in an hour or so," Dex/Mr. Forkle promises before we head off. The room we arrive in is massive, with 5 extra-fluffy sleeping bags arranged neatly on the floor for us. There are massive pillows, and suddenly I get an idea. I lift the pillow up telekinetically and smack Biana on the head with it.

"Hey!" She turns around and gives me an evil grin. "Oh, it is so on. PILLOW FIGHT!"

"I've always dreamt about smacking Stina around with a pillow!" Dex/Mr. Forkle laughs as he pins Fitz/Stina down and repeatedly whacks him/her in the face.

"Hey! Ow!" Fitz/Stina complains, trying and failing to fend Dex/Mr. Forkle off. 

Keefe/Fitz smirks. "It's fun being taller than the Fitzter for once! He chucks his pillow at my head and I duck with a yelp, tripping backwards into Biana.

"Sorry!" I can feel myself blush. Then I let out a huge yawn.

"It's like 12:30. Of course you're tired!" Keefe/Fitz smirks.

"Oh. Well better get changed!" I jog to the nearest bathroom and put on a pink nightgown. Not really my style, but Edaline made me pack them. She said something about making Biana happy.

When I get back to the room, Keefe and Fitz are themselves again. Dex is eating callowberries to get rid of his swollen Forkle body.

"Hey, did you bring Mrs. Stinkbottom?" I ask Keefe. 

"Yup!" He answers proudly, lifting up the green Gulon.

"Here's Mr. Snuggles!" Fitz lifts up the sparkly, red dragon.

I look around for Ella, but I can't find her. I open up my sleeping bag, and there she is! But the normally bright blue elephant isn't blue anymore. She's...

"WHY IS ELLA PINK?!" I wheel on Dex, who is trying hard to not laugh.

"Biana did it, not me!" He raises his hands in mock surrender. "Hey where is she anyway?"

"Probably doing her hair or something," Fitz sighs. So we wait for another 5 minutes.

"OMG, I NEED THOSE PAJAMAS!" Biana shouts, appearing in front of me. I grin at her, then crawl into my sleeping bag as I let out another massive yawn.

"G-g-good night, guys," I stutter through my third yawn of the night.

"I think you mean good morning, Foster. It's past midnight." Keefe's muffled voice comes from somewhere on my left. I don't hear Fitz's reply; I'm already drifting off into a hopefully peaceful sleep.


"GOOD MORNING!" Dex shouts, opening the blinds to let the light in. Four different 'go away's answer him. "Aw, c'mon, sleepyheads. Get up! Do you really want to feel the wrath of my newest gadget?" Immediatly we all sit up. I pat the top of my head and sigh. I look like a pineapple again.

"By the way, Sophie, you might want to brush your hair," Fitz smiles his movie worthy smile when he sees me blush. He leaves the room to get ready.

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