Chapter 1: Returning To Camp Jupiter

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A/N: I don't own any characters, photos, songs, characters, or anything else except for my original characters, Malia, Neil, Nemirdes, and Hithaerdes. I apologize if this does not go along with the continuity of the series and I apologize if the characters are a little different. But I hope you all enjoy!


Four years after we defeated Gaea, Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-blood remained allies and friends. I was no longer at Camp Jupiter. I had retired, becoming a veteran. I went to Camp Half-Blood where I spent some time with Poseidon's Cabin and the other campers. I then went to New Rome University along with Annabeth and Percy before attending University of Cambridge. After graduating, I travelled around the world and began my career as marine biologist as I had always been interested in sea life. I also became a journalist on the side. Percy, my half-brother, was twenty years old. He was engaged to his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase and together they lived in New Rome. I remained in touch with them as well as my other friends from both camps, attending the monthly Argo II reunion parties. Frank and Hazel were now Praetors of of Twelfth Legion. Reyna had stepped down, retiring as a veteran and becoming a hunter of Artemis, Diana's Greek form. Jason had perished, sacrificing himself to save Apollo, Meg, a Greek demigod, and Piper from Caligula. Leo was doing well, traveling around from Camp Jupiter to Camp Half-Blood and among other places with his girlfriend, Calypso. Coach Hedge and his wife, Mellie had a boy named Chuck, who was now four years old.

I left New Rome in an attempt to live a life free from fighting and danger. After everything I'd been through, I wanted to live a life of peace in the mortal world. I now lived in the outskirts of Portland, Oregon in a house by myself. The sun was barely rising and I decided to go out for a jog on the trail of the Eagle Creek. I was a tall woman, around the height of 6'4, beating Percy by four inches. I also had long red copper hair with hazel eyes. My SPQR tattoo was still on my right forearm just like every other Roman demigod with the symbol of a trident and at least twenty lines on my right forearm.

As I reached the waterfall, I heard a growl. I turned towards the waterfall to see a hideous monster heading towards me. I was rather baffled. This monster was unlike anything I've ever faced, but for some unknown reason it looked familiar... it was an orc. The creature lunged towards me with a dagger in his hand. I then quickly dodged his attack, moving out of the way. The orc stumbled, but quickly recovered as he whipped his head towards me. Not having any weapons on me, I glanced over at the water before raising my hands.

The water from the waterfall rose from the banks and rushed over towards me. The orc watched this in horror. He tried to strike, however I quickly retaliated, sending a giant wave of water over the orc. The orc staggered back but recovered. He rushed towards me, letting out an animalistic growl. I glanced down to see my watch around my left wrist, only it wasn't just a watch. It was my wristwatch shield. Without thinking twice, I pressed the button on the side, making the watch around my wrist became a leather brace and the shield opened. The shield was bronze, polished, and marked with engravings with soft leather on the inside of the shield. I raised the shield just in time, causing the orc to hit his dagger against my shield.

As soon as he struck, I used the shield, hitting his jaw before kicking his stomach. He staggered back, falling into the water. I then raised my arms, controlling the water around him to drown him. Once he was dead, I heard my phone ring. I quickly took it out, seeing a picture of Percy. I raised an eyebrow before answering. Before I could say anything, Percy quickly spoke. "Malia? Where are you?"

"In Oregon...why?" I inquired.

"I'm at Camp Jupiter, Hazel and Frank want to see you." Percy explained.

"By any chance does it have to do with monsters attacking the mortal world?" I questioned.

At my words, Percy sounded baffled. "How did you know? Oh my...Malia, are you all right?"

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