Chapter 16: War Is Coming

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I quickly rushed over to where Hithaerdes was. She was standing outside of the mountain with tears streamed down her cheeks. I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hithaerdes, are you all right?" 

Hithaerdes nodded. "I'm's just Thorin. He's changed too much." 

"Sister, something has happened. Gandalf needs our help. We need to go to Dol Guldur." I explained. 

Hithaerdes turned to me with a shocked look on her face. "Did you just call me sister?" 

I rolled my eyes. "Is that the only thing you heard? We need to leave."

"Of course not, And what about your brothers and Storm?" Hithaerdes questioned. 

"We'll have to leave them here. Galadriel needs us. She contacted me through my dreams." I explained. 

"But that will take days, Merilaerdes." Hithaerdes pointed out. 

"I know, but I have Thingol." I stated. 

I closed my eyes, contacting Thingol. As soon as I opened my eyes, Thingol stood in front of us. Hithaerdes' eyes lit up. "I have to get my own pegasus." 

I chuckled as I hopped on. Once Hithaerdes and I were both on Thingol, he took off high into the air. As soon as we reached Dol Guldur, we saw Galadriel sitting on the ground with Gandalf in her arms. Not too far from her were the nine Nazgul. 

"I am not alone." Galadriel mentioned. 

At that moment, Elrond and Saruman stood beside Galadriel. Elrond was wearing his Elven armor, while Saruman wore his usual white robes. Hithaerdes and I exchanged a look, we jumped off of Thingol, landing right beside Galadriel. 

"You called, my lady?" I asked. 

Galadriel wore a relieved look upon seeing Hithaerdes and me. The Nazgul raised their swords, prepared to fight us. Elrond took out his sword at once. "You should have stayed dead!"  

I took out my Imperial gold sword and Aranrúth, the sword that once belonged to my grandfather. Meanwhile, Hithaerdes took out one of her daggers. At once, the Nazgul rushed towards us. Three of the Nazgul lunged towards me, while two rushed towards Hithaerdes, and the others scurried towards Elrond and Saruman. I swung my swords, clashing against the swords of the two Nazgul. I used all my strength to push them both back. The two Nazgul stumbled back, while the third lunged towards me. Without thinking, I extended out a hand towards the foul creature. A bright white light engulfed my hand. And in the next second, the light hit the Nazgul, throwing him out of Dol Guldur. I glanced down at my hands to see them both immersed in white light. 

"You are part Maia, Merilaerdes." My grandmother, Melian reminded me in my head. "Do not forget it." 

As we fought, Radagast took Gandalf out of here on his sled. Once we finally defeated the Nazgul, the Necromancer, Sauron appeared before them. He began to speak in black speech. "It has begun. The East will fall. So shall the Kingdom of Angmar rise. The time of the Elves is over. The Age of the Orc has come." 

Galadriel then rose from the ground, overpowering him as she raised her hands towards him. "You have no power here, servant of Mordor." 

Galadriel turned to Hithaerdes and me, extending a hand out towards us. Realizing what we had to do, Hithaerdes and I each placed a hand on Galadriel's shoulders. We then raised our hands towards the wicked spirit. As we concentrated, a bright white light emerged from our hands.  

"You are nameless, faceless, formless! Go back to the void from whence you came!" Galadriel spat. 

Together, we cast the necromancer out of Dol Goldur. Once he was gone, Galadriel staggered back, collapsing onto the ground. Fortunately, Elrond was close by, making sure she was all right. Elrond then turned towards us, speaking in Sindarin. "We were deceived."

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