Chapter 15: Who I Am

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"Merilaerdes..." A familiar female voice whispered out.

Once I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful ocean. I was standing on the warm tannish sand. As soon as I turned around, I saw a woman, who looked much like me. She wore an elegant light blue dress with a flower crown in her hair. My eyes widened upon seeing her. To my surprise, I blurted out. "Nana?"

The woman gave me a small nod along with a smile. "Yes my Nínimdes, it's me."

I shook my head. "That's impossible. My mother is Rose, Rose Carter."

"I'm grateful for her taking care of you, but she's not your biological mother, Merilaerdes. It is I, Nemirdes." She replied. She then placed a hand on my shoulder. "Malia, search deep inside your mind. You know that's not true."

At that moment, I heard another voice, calling me. "Malia, wake up. Please Malia."

My eyes fluttered open, seeing Bard by my side. He wore a handsome smile as soon as he saw I was awake. A smile crept onto my face. "Bard...Did you kill Smaug?"

Before Bard could respond, Bain approached us with a grin on his face. "Malia! Da killed the dragon!"

"That's great." I mentioned.

"Are you all right?" Bard asked.

I nodded as I climbed up onto my feet. "Yeah, I'm fine. The water heals all my scars and wounds."

Bard and Bain looked at me as though I had grown a second head. Not wanting the attention, I quickly changed the subject. "We should find Tilda and Sigrid."

Bard nodded. "You're right."

With that, we made our way onto the shore. As we searched for Tilda and Sigrid, Bard handed me my longbow back, which I had completely forgotten about.

"Thanks for letting me use your bow. It's beautiful by the way." Bard commented. "It looks like it was crafted by elves."

My stomach dropped at his words. This longbow has been with me for as long as I can remember, but I don't remember how I got it. A chill ran up my spine. What if I truly the demigod from Roman descent that was taken from the fallen Elven Kingdom? I gave him a smile as I grabbed my longbow. "Thanks, I'm not exactly sure where this came from. It was a gift...from my father."

"Well it's a beautiful gift." Bard stated.

It wasn't long we reached the people of Lake-Town. We saw Alfrid arguing with a woman. She scoffed. "I'll be dead before I answer to the likes of you."

Alfrid raised his hand. "Maybe that can be arranged."

Before he could hit the woman, Bard stopped him. "I wouldn't go turning on your own, Alfrid. Not now."

Bard then spun Alfrid around before Bain tripped him, causing him to fall onto the ground. I couldn't help but chuckle, earning a smile from Bard. At that moment, we saw Tilda and Sigrid running towards us. "Da! Malia!"

Bard extended his arms out with a huge smile on his face. "Come here."

"You're alive!" Sigrid exclaimed.

Tilda and Sigrid both rushed into Bard's arms. As soon as they hugged Bard, Tilda and Sigrid hugged me, baffling me. My heart warmed up. And to my surprise, Bard joined in on the hug, wrapping an arm around my waist. My heart fluttered at the touch. I then mentally shook my head. Don't do this, Malia, you know you're going to have to leave them soon.

"It's all right." Bard said, comforting his daughters.

At that moment, one of the men from Lake-Town spoke up. "It was Bard! He killed the dragon! I saw it with me own eyes. He brought the beast down. Struck him dead with a Black Arrow!"

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