Chapter 20: The Wedding

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The next day, the company and I spotted Bilbo leaving Erebor. Balin was walking him out towards the front gates of Erebor. We wasted no time in going after them. 

"Well, I think I'll slip quietly away, will you tell the others I said goodbye?" Bilbo asked.

"You can tell them yourself." Balin commented. 

At that moment, Bilbo turned around to find us, Thorin, Hithaerdes, Fili, Kili, Percy, Neil, the rest of the company, and me. Bilbo smiled. "If any of you are ever passing Bag-End, uh...tea is at four. There's plenty of it, you are welcome any time. And, uh...don't bother knocking."

We all laughed at his words. I walked over towards Bilbo, giving him a hug. "I'm gonna miss you, Bilbo."

"So am I, Malia. If you are ever in Shire, please visit me." Bilbo replied. 

"Don't worry, I will." I assured him. 

With that, Bilbo turned around before walking off. We all watched as he left Erebor, beginning his journey back to the Shire, his home. 


Later that day, with the help of Gandalf, the demigods were returning back home where they belonged. Percy, Neil, and Annabeth remained behind to say goodbye to everyone. When I first told Percy that I was staying, Percy was devastated, but then Gandalf offered to arrange something so he could visit me anytime. Neil would remain in Middle-Earth, staying at Mirkwood with the elf maiden he met at yesterday's celebration. Percy approached me, giving me a hug. "I'm going to miss you, sis."

"So am I, little brother." I replied. 

I then hugged Annabeth. "I'll see you all at the wedding. Take care of him, make sure he doesn't get into any trouble."

Annabeth nodded. "Of course."

"You know, I'm right here." Percy mentioned, crossing his arms.

"We know." Annabeth and I both said with smiles.

Percy scoffed. "Then you better not die any time soon." 

"Oh don't worry, I will keep an eye on our two sisters." Neil assured him. 

Hithaerdes' eyes widened, looking baffled. "Our two sisters? Do you mean it?"

"Of course, Hithaerdes. You're part of our family now." Neil informed her. 

"Come, it's time to go." Gandalf urged. 

Annabeth and Percy then gave us one last smile before they walked off with Gandalf away from Erebor. I was going to miss them very much, but I knew this wasn't the last time I'd see them. We'll see each other again very soon.

~1 year later~ 

I was pacing around my room, wearing a long white dress. My palms were sweating as I continued to pace around, refusing to stop.  

"Would you stop pacing around, Merilaerdes?" 

I turned around to see Hithaerdes sitting down on my bed. Beside Hithaerdes was Dís, Thorin's sister, Annabeth, Reyna, Piper, and Hazel. Hithaerdes had already gotten married to Thorin not too long ago, becoming Queen of Erebor. Percy and Annabeth got married in New Rome, and thanks to Gandalf, Neil, Hithaerdes, Thorin, the company, Bard, Tilda, Sigrid, Bain, and me were all able to be at the wedding. And now it was my turn to get married to Bard. The wedding would take place in Dale, which had been rebuilt. I was staying in Erebor until I married Bard. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." I mentioned as I finally stopped pacing around in my room. 

"Why are you nervous? Bard loves you." Piper pointed out. 

"And his children love to be around you." Annabeth chimed in.

"There's no need to be nervous. If anything, you should be happy." Reyna mentioned. 

I nodded. "You're right. Today's a special day." 

"Now come, we don't want to keep everyone waiting." Dís suggested.

At that moment, Neil and Percy walked into my room. As soon as they saw me, their jaws dropped. Percy blurted out. "You look amazing."

"You look like a Queen." Neil added. 

I smiled. "Thanks, you guys."  

"All right, let's get this wedding on the road." Hithaerdes advised. 

Since my father won't be able walk me towards Bard, Percy and Neil would walk with me towards Bard. As we walked towards Bard, I noticed Frank, Leo, and Calypso in the crowd. I also spotted Gandalf, Thranduil, Elrond, Galadriel, Celeborn, Thorin, Fili, Kili, Tauriel, and everyone else in the company. The entire people of Erebor and Lake-Town were gathered around in Dale. The ceremony would happen outside the newly built castle of Dale. Once we reached Bard, I saw he was dressed in an elegant suit with a huge smile on his face. Right behind Bard stood Tilda, Sigrid, and Bain along with Storm. Balin stood before us with a book in his hands and a smile on his face. He would be marrying Bard and me. Once Percy and Neil left to join the others, Bard intertwined my hands in his hands. 

"You look beautiful, Malia." Bard mentioned. 

My smile widened. "Thanks Bard. You look handsome."

At that moment, Balin spoke up. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here for the union of Malia and Bard in marriage."

As the ceremony went on, the time to exchange our vows arrived. And I went first. I looked up at Bard before speaking. "Bard, at first, I didn't think much of you. I was rather angry at you, since you had pointed an arrow at one of my friends. But it wasn't long until I discovered the real you. You're very selfless, always putting your children before yourself. And you are very kind, caring, and quite brave. It wasn't long until I fell for you, Bard. And there's no one, I'd rather be with. I want to spent the rest of my life with you and your children, Tilda, Sigrid, and Bain." 

Tears filled Bard's eyes upon hearing my words. Then it was Bard's turn. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "Malia, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you would change my life. But I had no idea that you'd change my life like this. From a beginning, my children took a liking to you. You are quite caring and kind, especially to Sigrid, Tilda, and Bain. And you were quite honest with them. You may have told others lies of where you were from, but not with my children. Malia, you are one of the most bravest, beautiful, selfless, and loving women I've ever met. There's no one else I'd want by my side as my wife and Queen."

My heart fluttered at his words. Tears of happiness streamed down my cheeks. Once we exchanged the rings, Balin spoke up. "I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may now kiss."   

At once, Bard turned towards me, leaning in. We then shared our first kiss as a married couple. Despite there being a cheering crowd all around us, it felt like Bard and I were the only ones there. I couldn't believe I was here. After ages of watching others fall in love and get married in the kingdom of Doriath, it was finally my turn. And although Bard may be mortal, there's no one else I'd rather be with than Bard and his lovely family.

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