Chapter 13: Lake-Town

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Fortunately, Bard had a plan, which the entire company complained about, since his last plan wasn't exactly their favorite. But they reluctantly went along with it as we had no other options. Thorin, Bilbo, and the others in the company would enter Bard's home through the toilet, while Hithaerdes, Percy, Neil, Bain, Bard, and I would go through Bard's front door. As we followed Bard and Bain to their home, we saw several spies around the town. I grimaced, especially after seeing the two fishermen outside of Bard's home, pretending to fish. They are the worst spies. As we climbed the stairs towards Bard's home, Bard threw some bread towards the fishermen, shocking them. 

"You can tell the Master I'm done for the day." Bard mentioned. 

Neil shook his head. "They're terrible spies." 

Percy nodded. "You can say that again." 

As soon as we were inside Bard's home, a ten year old girl approached us. Her eyes lit up once she saw Bard. "Da! Where have you been?" 

The girl then rushed into Bard's arms, giving him a tight hug. Another girl, much older than the other girl, rushed over towards Bard as well. So this must be Bard's other two children. I felt a smile work its way onto my face. It was touching to see Bard so caring with his children. 

"Father, there you are. I was worried." She mentioned as she joined the hug. 

Once they pulled away from the hug, Bard handed his older daughter a bag he was carrying. "Here, Sigrid." 

Once he gave Sigrid the bag, Bard turned towards Bain. "Bain, get them in." 

Bain, Bard's son, rushed down towards the toilet to get the others into the house. It wasn't long until Dwalin, Thorin, Bilbo, and the others made their way up towards us. Sigrid looked at them rather baffled. "Da, why are there dwarves coming out of our toilet?"

"Will they bring us luck?" Tilda, Bard's youngest, asked. 

I couldn't help but crack a smile at Tilda's words. Once the company sat by the fire to dry themselves off, Tilda and Bard passed around dry clothes and towels. Bard had introduced Percy, Neil, Hithaerdes, and me to his children, Bain, Sigrid, and Tilda. As soon as Tilda approached me, she looked at Storm with a look of awe. "Can I pet it?" 

"You may. Her name's Storm." I informed her.

At my words, Tilda slowly placed a hand on Storm's head. Storm wagged her tail, making Tilda giggle. I watched with a smile as Tilda played with Storm. 

"Where do you come from?" Tilda asked. 

"A place far from here. This is Percy, my brother, and Neil over there is my other brother." I mentioned, changing the subject. "And Hithaerdes is a friend from mine."

Upon hearing my last words, Hithaerdes' face fell. I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, but then again why should I? Hithaerdes isn't my sister, and I don't know why she insisted on saying otherwise. 

After Tilda asked a couple more questions about where I found Storm and what not, I walked over towards the window where Hithaerdes was, standing beside Thorin. Thorin noticed a large ballista on top of a tower. Thorin's eyes widened. "The Dwarvish Wind-Lance."

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Bilbo commented as he walked towards us. 

Balin then approached us with a grim look. "He has. The last time we saw such a weapon the city was on fire. It was a day the dragon came. The day that Smaug destroyed Dale. Girion, the lord of the city, rallied his bowmen to fire upon the beast."

"But a dragon's hide is tough, tougher than the strongest armor. Only a Black Arrow fired from a wind-lance could have pierced the dragon's hide." Balin continued. "And few of those arrows were ever made. The store was running low when Girion made his last stand."

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