Chapter 10: King Thranduil of Mirkwood

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At my words, Percy and Neil stopped arguing. Once they stopped arguing, giant spiders emerged from all around us. Percy took out his sword, while Neil pulled out his axe and shield. Storm let out a snarl as she stood in front of me in a protective manner. Hithaerdes took out her daggers, while I took out my two swords.

"I hate this forest." I muttered.

"Remind me to never come back here again." Percy mentioned.

"That is if we make it." Neil commented.

At that moment, the spiders lunged towards us. We all pushed forward, clashing with each other. I swung my Imperial gold sword at one of the spider's legs, slicing its legs. The spider collapsed onto the ground. Hithaerdes threw a dagger into its mouth, while I struck the spider behind us. We did our best to fight them off, but more kept coming. Out of nowhere, elves appeared and helped us fight them off. I thought they were on our side, but I was wrong. Once the spiders were all killed, the elves pointed their arrows at them. Hithaerdes raised her hands, before speaking in what I learned was Sindarin. "I am half elven."

The elf with blonde hair and blue eyes looked over at Percy, Neil, and me. He looked awful familiar, but I wasn't sure why. The elf then turned to his archers. "Search them."

We were then stripped of our weapons, which baffled all of us. I thought they were on our side? 

"Hey, why are you taking our weapons?" Percy asked.

"We're on your side!" Neil exclaimed. "We tried killing those spiders."

One of the elves scoffed. "You are trespassing this kingdom, mortal."

"Mortal?" Neil repeated. "How dare you, I'll have you know that the Norse Gods and Goddesses blessed me with immortality!"

I elbowed Neil's side, causing him to wince. "Shut it, Neil! We don't want them knowing who we truly are."

Unfortunately, the blonde haired elf heard me. He narrowed his eyes as he inspected me. "My father will know what to do with all of you."

His father? Before I could say anything, we were then forced to walk through the forest. As soon as we approached the giant mountain, I stared in awe. This reminded me of my vision. It had similar giant carved stone doors with runes, but it still looked different. The inside was just as breathtaking, there were many endless halls with elegant carved stone pillars in an underground cave. There were also several bridges with streams and waterfalls, and several flights of stairs lit with elegant lanterns. I have never seen a place like this.

Once we reached the cells, Hithaerdes, Storm, Neil, Percy, and I were all thrown inside. Not too long after, the dwarves then appear and were thrown into cells beside us.

"This is not the end of it! Do you hear me?!" Dwalin snapped.

"Let us out of here!" Bofur yelled.

I watched as a female red haired elf placed Kili into a cell across from me. Kili looked at her in awe. "Aren't you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers?"

"Or nothing." The elf retorted as she closed the cell on his face.

I then watched as Kili continued to stared at the red haired elf. The blonde haired elf didn't seem to like this as he spoke to her in their language. "Why does that dwarf stare at you, Tauriel?"

"Who can say? He's quite tall for a dwarf. Do you not think?" She asked.

"Taller than some..." He replied as the elf began to walk away. "...but no less ugly."

The blonde haired elf glared at Kili before walking off. Once the guards left, the dwarves tried to break free by throwing themselves at the bars.

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