Chapter 8: Saving Thorin

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I glanced up to see Gandalf dropping pine cones that were on fire. Hithaerdes, Percy, Neil, and I each caught one. While Percy and Neil threw theirs towards the wargs, I quickly pulled out my longbow and fired the pine cone, hitting a warg's feet. The warg cried out as it backed up. Hithaerdes looked at me in awe. "You still have your Elven longbow from Doriath?"

I furrowed my brows. "This isn't an Elven longbow."

Before she could reply, Neil intervened. "Less talking, more fighting!"

Gandalf gave all of us more pine cones engulfed in flames and soon enough, we managed to cover much of ground with the flames. However this kept the wargs from charging towards us and knocking this final tree over to the edge. We let out cheers as we saw the wargs finally back off, but our celebration was short lived. The final tree began to move and it collapsed to the side, right next to the cliff. We all held on to the branches for dear life. Gandalf managed to catch Dori from falling with his staff. As we held on, we watched as Thorin stood up and made his way off of the tree. The dwarves yelled out his name.

Thorin didn't return though. His gaze filled with anger was set on Azog. As he ran towards the orc, he raised his sword in his right hand and his oak branch on his left arm. We anxiously watched as Thorin approached Azog, who was still on his warg. The pale orc swung his mace, hitting Thorin in the face. He then fell to the ground. We then watched in horror as Azog's warg grabbed Thorin with its razor sharp teeth, biting him. Thorin used his sword to strike the warg, causing the foul creature to release him. The warg threw Thorin towards the cliff, where he past out. Azog then turned to a few of his orcs.

"Bring me the dwarf's head." He ordered in his foul language.

My eyes widened in horror. I turned to Neil, Percy, and Hithaerdes at once.

"We have to intervene. They're going to kill Thorin." I mentioned.

Percy nodded. "I'll be right behind you."

I glanced over at Hithaerdes, who was also determined to help Thorin. She gave me a nod as well. "Say the word and we'll be beside you."

With that, I jumped off the tree and onto the ground. Percy, Hithaerdes, Storm, Neil, and Bilbo followed my lead. We rushed past the fallen trees covered in flames and towards the orcs that were about to reach Thorin. All of us lunged towards the orcs, pushing them away from Thorin just in time.

I struck the orc that was the closest to me with the Aranrúth. The orc let out a shriek as he struggled. I then concentrated on the nearest water from here. The water appeared in a heartbeat. I glanced over to see Percy helping me control the huge wave of water. And what shocked me was that Hithaerdes was also controlling the wave of water. How was she doing that? Together we pushed back all the orcs, who tried to kill Thorin. Azog glared at us as he gave the orcs around him another order. "Kill them."

As more the orcs moved in on us, the rest of the company rushed in to help us fight. Neil used his axe and shield, taking on several orcs. Percy had his back, slashing the orcs with his sword. Hithaerdes and I fought side by side, using our weapons and the aid of water to take down the orcs. I glanced over at Hithaerdes as I swung the Aranrúth, slicing down an orc. I was still trying to wrap my mind around what she did. How was that possible? As we continued fighting, I noticed giant eagles flying towards us. They grabbed the remaining dwarves in the trees. A smile appeared on my face. They're helping us escape. I closed my eyes, mentally calling Thingol. When I opened my eyes, he was right beside me.

Percy seemed to get the same idea as Blackjack appeared to him in a heartbeat. We watched as the eagles took Thorin and the rest of the company. The remaining eagles distracted the orcs, tossing them around. Now's our time to escape. Percy quickly climbed up on Blackjack, taking Hithaerdes with him. After I mounted on Thingol, I took Neil and Storm with me on Thingol's back. We then flew up in the air before the orcs could reach us. Thingol flew high in the air, causing Neil to yell out before holding on for dear life.

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