Chapter 18: The Battle Has Begun

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I turned towards Storm, who looked prepared to pounce and rip the monsters to shreds. An idea then came to mind. With that, I spoke up. "Storm, go to Dale and find Tilda, Bain, and Sigrid. Protect them."   

Storm gave me a nod before running towards the city. I then hopped onto Thingol before flying over towards Gaea. She was covered in dirt, mud, and rocks. As soon as Gaea saw me, she let out a sinister laugh. "Ah if it isn't Malia Carter. It's too late, daughter of Neptune. This time you won't be able to stop me."

"That is what you think, Gaea. But I've already defeated you once." I reminded her. 

She then swung her arm towards me. Thingol and I quickly dodged her arm, flying to the other side. However, Gaea raised her other arm, hitting both Thingol and me. I tried grabbing onto Thingol, but he was too far for me to reach. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact. Before I could hit the ground, Thingol swooped in, saving me from being crushed. I let out a nervous laugh as I gently patted Thingol. "Thanks, old friend."  

Once we flew up towards Gaea's sinister eyes, she let out a cackle. "You cannot fight me alone, daughter of Neptune." 

"Who said she was alone." Percy retorted. 

I turned around to see Percy riding on Blackjack, while Neil was in the air, summoning a storm. In a heartbeat, many clouds appeared at once. Neil looked over at Percy and me. "So what's the plan? How are we going to defeat her?"

Percy and I then exchanged a look, giving a nod. We knew what killed her last time, and hopefully it will work again or we're going to be in huge trouble. 

"We need to keep her in the air. She's at her weakest when she's not touching the ground." Percy informed him.  

"We're also going to need something powerful like a blast. That's what killed Gaea last time." I added. 

Neil nodded. "No problem. I got you."

The clouds then turned dark and lightning fell down towards Neil, who absorbed it before sending it towards Gaea. Percy and I then summoned a flood of water. Once the tons of water arrived, we threw it towards Gaea. I focused as hard as I possibly could, sending a violent hurricane along with lightning. Gaea was cut off from the ground, however she was still strong. Our attacks didn't do much to harm her. Gaea waved her arms around, hitting Neil, Percy, and me. We all fell back, but Percy and Neil landed on Blackjack, while I landed on Thingol just inches before we reached the ground.  

"You foolish children, I have grown stronger since the last time we fought. You cannot kill me." Gaea retorted. "Only an immortal with powers that rival the Gods and Goddesses can defeat me." 

My stomach churned at her words. Great...that's none of us. I then turned towards Percy and Neil. "Forget killing her! Let's just try to keep her off the ground." 

Neil and Percy both nodded before we set off to work. As we used all our strength to keep Gaea off the ground, I noticed Hithaerdes alongside Thorin below us in Ravenhill, fighting Azog. It wasn't long until the three of us grew tired. It won't take much until the three of us can no longer keep Gaea off of the ground. 

"Where are we going to find someone strong enough to kill her? I literally used a storm of lightning against her and she's still fighting us as though nothing happened." Neil mentioned, getting frustrated.

"We're going to need the help of someone powerful." Percy mentioned. 

"Like a God or Goddess?" Neil suggested. 

"Or someone just as strong as them." Percy added.   

At that moment, I heard my father's voice in my head. "You are not like other demigods, Merilaerdes. You are immortal. You have the blood of not just an elf, but of the Maiar as well. You can defeat her, but it will come at a price."

My heart dropped at his words. He must mean my life. I'd have to sacrifice stop Gaea from destroying Middle-Earth, my home. My mind then wandered to Bard and his children. Bard...I wasn't sure if he felt the same for me, but I wanted to tell him what he meant to me. I let out a sigh, knowing what I had to do. The Fates were never nice to me. But if Bard, his children, Hithaerdes, Neil, Percy, Bilbo, and my other friends got to live, then it would be worth it. With this in mind, turned towards Percy and Neil. "I have a plan, but you won't like it." 

Neil raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"There is someone who can defeat Gaea. But the problem is that they have to sacrifice themselves to kill her." I explained.

"And who is this person?" Neil questioned. 

I hesitated. "...It's me." 

Percy's eyes widened in horror. "No Malia, you can't do this."  

"It's all right, Percy. I'll be fine." I assured him. "Neil, give me a gust of wind."

Neil hesitated. "Are you sure about this?"

I nodded. "Absolutely. I know what I'm doing, now please trust me."

"You cannot kill me, Malia. You are but a mortal." Gaea warned.

"That's what you think. But I'm not Malia Carter, I'm Merilaerdes, daughter of Neptune and Nemirdes, Princess of Doriath." I announced. "I am immortal. The blood the Maiar runs through my veins."

I then jumped off of Thingol, allowing the gust of wind that Neil sent to take me towards Gaea. I concentrated hard, using a bright white light that emerged from my hands to plunge straight into Gaea's heart. I used all my strength to defeat Gaea, destroying her figure. She let out a scream of agony before her ten foot figure fell apart into million of pieces. I collapsed onto the ground, landing near the ice. I groaned as I felt weak, I couldn't almost any parts of my body. I was quickly surrounded by my own pool of blood. As I looked up in the sky, I saw giant eagles arrive. On the eagles were Reyna, Annabeth, Piper, and many other demigods along with the hunters of Artemis and the Amazons. At that moment, Percy, Neil, Bilbo, and Thorin arrived. Thorin had a guilty look on his face as he spoke. "Forgive me, Malia. I take back my words that I said at the gate. Forgive me. I was too blind to see. I am so sorry that I have led you into such peril." 

"Don't worry, Thorin. I've already forgotten about it." I assured him before I began to cough.

As I coughed, I let out some blood, frightening Percy and the others. Percy did his best to fight back tears as he spoke. "Malia, why did you do that? There could have been another way to kill her."  

I croaked out. "You and I both know that there was no other way. The Fates may be cruel to us, but if there's a chance to save can save my brothers...then I'll take that chance."

Percy shook his head. "No, not if it involves you dying."

I forced a smile, trying to be positive. "Go back to Camp Jupiter and get married to Annabeth, Percy. You and Annabeth belong together."

"Malia, don't you dare leave us." Neil protested. 

"Goodbye my brothers...and my friends. Thorin, Bilbo, it was an honor to have met you both. Tell...Bard I loved him dearly."

"No Malia, please don't leave us." Percy pleaded. 

"You can tell Bard that you love him yourself, Malia." Bilbo added. 

Tears began to stream down Neil's and Percy's cheeks. Percy placed a hand over mine. "Just hang in there, Malia. We'll get you healed in no time."

"It's all right, my brothers. You can let me go. I'm growing weak, Percy. I won't make it." I informed them. 

"Don't say that, Malia." Bilbo said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "We refuse to let you go like Hithaerdes." 

My stomach dropped at his words. "What happened to Hithaerdes? Where's my sister?"

Tears were streaming down Thorin's cheeks. "She died saving me from Azog..." 

I let my head lie back onto the hard ground. "Then I shall soon join her." 

I gave them one last smile before closing my eyes, letting out one last final breath. Then I was consumed by a warm and bright light. 

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