Chapter 5: Rivendell

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"Malia!" I heard Percy's and Neil's voices.

I looked around to see myself back in the wretched cave. Neil and Percy were by my sides along with Storm. She nuzzled her nose into my hair, comforting me. Gandalf looked just as worried as my two brothers.

"Are you alright?" Gandalf inquired.

I nodded. "Yeah, I just want to leave this horrid cave."

For a moment, when my eyes laid on Thorin, it looked as though his face softened. However he quickly masked his face, showing no emotions as he turned around. "Let's get out of this foul place. Come on, let's go. Bofur, Gloin, Nori."

As I walked out, I placed the sword on the side of my belt. I then felt something in my hand. I opened the palm to find the necklace from my vision. I furrowed my brows. That's odd. Before anyone noticed, I hung the necklace around my neck, covering it under my clothing. As Gandalf handed Bilbo what appeared to be a small Elf dagger, I sensed something heading our way. I wasn't sure how, but I could sense when there was danger close by.

"There's something coming this way!" I exclaimed.

"Stay together! Hurry, now! Arm yourselves!" Gandalf shouted.

All of us rushed towards each other, huddled close together as we prepared to fight whatever was coming our way. As I raised my sword, a man burst through the bushes on a sled that was led by rabbits. As soon as he reached us, the rabbits slowed down and the sled stopped. He wore a brown hat that looked kinda like a trapper hat, long gray hair with a matching beard, brown robes, and a staff like Gandalf.

"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" The man yelled out.

"Radagast. It's Radagast the Brown!" Gandalf exclaimed, happy to see him.

Gandalf put his sword away before he made his way towards Radagast. So this is the famous Radagast that Gandalf mentioned.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf inquired.

"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong." Radagast warned.

Gandalf raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

Radagast opened his mouth to speak but stopped. "Just give me a minute. Um, oh! I had a thought and now I've lost it. It was right there, on the tip of my tongue! Oh! It's not a thought at all! It's a silly old stick insect."

At that moment, Gandalf removed the bug from Radagast's tongue. He then placed the bug in Radagast's hand. I grimaced. Percy groaned. "Seriously?"

With that Gandalf and Radagast spoke somewhat away from us to have a private conversation. While they were talking, we heard a howling noise. One that I hadn't heard of before. It definitely didn't belong to any wolves.

"Was that a wolf? Are there, are there wolves out there?" Bilbo asked.

"Wolves? No, that is not a wolf." Bofur said, his voice laced with fear.

I glanced over to see Storm growling, frightening the others. I saw her golden eyes glaring at something behind us. I followed her gaze to see a giant looking black wolf with sharp teeth and pointed ears. I quickly threw one of my Imperial gold daggers, hitting the creature's eye, causing it to yell out in pain. Neil then stuck his axe in the giant wolf's mouth, killing it. Meanwhile, Kili and Thorin killed another before it could reach us. Neil grimaced. "Looks like a smaller version of Fenrir."

"Warg scouts! Which means an orc pack is not far behind!" Thorin mentioned.

So those creatures were wargs? I exchanged a look with Percy and Neil. We have orcs on our trail? Great...that's just what we needed.

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