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~T.A. 2954~

Several years went by. After marrying Bard, I was made Queen of Dale. Hithaerdes and Thorin had three children, Neptune, Nínimdes, and Thráin. Meanwhile, Bard and I had four children, Perseus, Nemirdes, Neil, and Rose. Together with Sigrid, Bain, and Tilda, we were all one happy family. And Neil, he married the elf maiden, Eruanna, from Mirkwood. Together they had two children, two boys named Percy and Thôr. With Gandalf's help, Percy and Annabeth would visit us, which excited all of us, especially the children. Percy and Annabeth had two children, Sally Malia Jackson and Frederick Neil Jackson.

Currently, Bard and I were having a picnic with our children, Sigrid, Bain, Tilda, Perseus, Nemirdes, Neil, and Rose out in the outskirts of Dale. Perseus was eleven years old, Nemirdes was nine, Neil was seven, and Rose was only four. Perseus, Nemirdes, and Neil were already showing signs that they were going to have my powers that I inherited from my father and mother. And because they had these powers, I decided to tell them about my parents, their grandparents, the Kingdom of Doriath, and about Camp Jupiter. Storm laid on the grass beside the giant blanket we laid down. Rose was sitting down next to Storm, petting her. Meanwhile Perseus was playing with Bain, Neil, and Nemirdes not too far from us. As we watched our children, Bard wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Finally, after a long week of meetings, we get a moment to ourselves." Bard mentioned.

I smiled. "Yes, it's nice. Getting to spend some time with our family altogether."

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." Bard replied, planting a kiss on my lips.

My smile widened. Things couldn't be any better. I have a loving and wonderful husband, and seven amazing children. I knew the day would arrive when Bard would perish from old age or from a sickness, which devastated me every time I thought about it. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy this moment. Despite all the pain and suffering I went through, the Fates finally gave me a break. I glanced over at my children. I hoped none of my children had to go through any of the quests I went through, wishing they'd remain safe here in Dale. But little did I know what the Fates had in store...


A/N: Thanks to all who read, voted, and commented on my story! Hope you enjoyed this story! Be sure to check out my other stories! Thanks again!

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